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Europeans claim Muslim Lands

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1 Europeans claim Muslim Lands
How do Europeans try to expand their empires into Muslim lands?

2 Ottoman Empire Loses Power p. 352
What followed Suleyman I’s death? What caused financial problems? What did Selim III try to do and who resisted him? What two areas broke ways from the Ottoman Empire?

3 A. Ottoman Empire 1. Geopolitics-Europeans want Ottoman land for strategic location 2. Crimean War reveals weaknesses in Ottoman military 3. Ottomans begin losing all of the Balkans B. Egypt 1. Muhammad Ali given power by OE after Napoleon loses in Egypt 2. Ali breaks from Ottoman Empire 3. Begins reforms/grows cotton 4. British gain infl. in late 1800s I. Mid East Imperialism C. Persia 1. Russia & Britain compete for Sphere of Infl. in Persia 2. Persian rulers give into Britain 3. People upset, boycott Br. tobacco 4. Revolutionaries change Govt D. Afghanistan 1. Russia wants influence in Central Asia to counter British 2. British invade Afghanistan 3. Afghanis fight British for 50yrs 4. British leave, Russia signs treaty

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