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Somatoform Disorders and Psychophysiological Disorders

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Presentation on theme: "Somatoform Disorders and Psychophysiological Disorders"— Presentation transcript:

1 Somatoform Disorders and Psychophysiological Disorders

2 Somatoform Disorders Disorders in which there is an apparent physical disorder for which there is no organic (physical) basis

3 Somatoform Disorders Somatization Disorder = characterized by vague somatic complaints without a physical cause. Conversion Disorder = Dramatic (bizarre) specific disability (real) has no physical cause – paralysis, blindness, deafness… Hypochondriasis = a person interprets small and insignificant symptoms as signs of serious illness. Cough = Cancer

4 Psychophysiological Disorders Psychosomatic Disorders Conversion Disorder
Are real physical disorders that seem to have psychological causes (or made worse by) … ulcers, migraines, high blood pressure, asthma…


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