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He was shocked Flabbergasted Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym:

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Presentation on theme: "He was shocked Flabbergasted Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym:"— Presentation transcript:

1 He was shocked Flabbergasted Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Parts of Speech: Mind Verb To surprise or amaze people into a state of shock astound bore Counter blast Nina was flabbergasted to learn that her bus driver was 104.

2 I’m Flabbergasted! January 4th South African Nocturnal Tree Elephant
All A’s? Mom’s flabbergasted!

3 Grim War is a grim business. Gloomy, harsh and frightening Definition:
Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Parts of Speech: adjective Gloomy, harsh and frightening Dreadful, savage Delightful, mild Gym War is a grim business.

4 January 5th A Grim Future

5 incredulous Word used in a sentence Not willing to believe something
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Parts of Speech: adjective Not willing to believe something Cynical, skeptical believable fabulous I tried to tell Becky about my 8-foot-tall boyfriend, but she was incredulous and didn’t think I was telling the truth. Word used in a sentence

6 Incredulous! No way, that’s unbelievable!
January 6th Incredulous! No way, that’s unbelievable! An unnamed source claims that SpongeBob & Patrick were recently wed and are now enjoying their honeymoon in Hawaii.

7 notify Word used in a sentence To let someone know, to inform
Definition: Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Parts of Speech: verb To let someone know, to inform Tell, send word Hide, conceal modify When we lost our dog, we went from house to house and notified all the neighbors. Word used in a sentence

8 January 7th Notify

9 perceive Word used in a sentence
Definition: to become aware of through any of the senses, especially sight or hearing Sounds Like: Synonym: Antonym: Parts of Speech: verb Notice, see, sense Miss, overlook believe Gazing through the mist, the elf could just barely perceive the enemy army marching toward him. Word used in a sentence

10 What do you perceive?

11 January 10th Perceive

12 Vocabulary for Sept. 9-13. flabbergast
Nina was flabbergasted to learn that her bus driver was 104 years old. grim War is a grim business. incredulous I tried to tell Becky about my 8-foot-tall boyfriend, but she was incredulous and didn’t think I was telling the truth. notify When we lost our dog, we went from house to house and notified all the neighbors. perceive Gazing through the mist, the elf could just barely perceive the enemy army marching toward him.

13 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word
Never, have I seen a person so ______________, so stunned and amazed, by a close up view of the elusive giant squid. Even places that looked new and shiny when I first saw them are now looking a bit ____________ after a quarter century of neglect. The winners will be _____________ by  within seven days of the closing date. I was ______________ when someone told me that Obama was a terrorist. The bird’s song was so soft I could barely ___________ it.

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