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Before the Fighting.

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Presentation on theme: "Before the Fighting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before the Fighting

2 Committee of Correspondence
Way for the 13 colonies to keep in contact with one another prior to the war Ability to spread information from one colony to the next

3 Common Sense Written by Thomas Paine
Used every day simple language to explain why the colonists should rebel Convinced many to become patriots

4 Olive Branch Petition Written during the 2nd Continental Congress as one last plea to bring peace between the British and the colonists King rejects this too

5 Mecklenburg Resolves May 1775 – NC drafts a document stating that all laws issued from Britain are null and void and that only colonial governments have control

6 Halifax Resolves Gave NC delegates the right to sign a petition to separate from Great Britain The first official action towards independence in the 13 colonies

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