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1 Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.
What You’ll Learn 1. Outline 11 benefits of regular physical activity. 2. Analyze at least ten ways to obtain a moderate amount of physical activity. 3. Outline six steps to design an individualized plan for health-related fitness. 4. Analyze the four parts of the FITT formula. 5. Design a FITT-ness Plan to develop health-related fitness. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

2 Key Terms type II diabetes physical fitness life expectancy
premature death cardiac output high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) blood pressure dynamic blood pressure physical fitness FITT formula

3 Physical Activity and Health Status
Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure. Regular physical activity is physical activity that is performed on most days of the week. Physical activity does not have to be strenuous to achieve health benefits. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

4 Physical Activity and Health Status
What are the types of things that keep you from being active?

5 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
There are at least 11 benefits of regular physical activity. 1. Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety  Regular physical activity causes the body to produce higher levels of chemicals that are helpful in reducing the risk of depression. Norepinephrine is a chemical that helps transmit brain messages along certain nerves. Beta-endorphins are chemicals produced in the brain that create a feeling of well-being. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

6 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
2. Promotes psychological well-being  Performing regular physical activity promotes psychological well-being due to improved appearance and increased self-discipline and self-respect. 3. Helps control weight Regular physical activity increases metabolic rate, burns calories, shrinks fat cells, and affects body composition. Body composition is the percentage of fat tissue and lean tissue in the body. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

7 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
4. Reduces the risk of developing type II diabetes  People who are overweight and who are physically inactive have the greatest risk of developing type II diabetes. Type II diabetes is a type of diabetes in which either the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot properly use the insulin produced. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

8 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
5. Builds and maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints  Physical activity is essential for normal skeletal development and for maintaining peak bone mass as people age. Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. Arthritis is a painful inflammation of the joints which can be reduced by moderate physical activity. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

9 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
6. Reduces the risk of premature death Participating in regular physical activity early in life will affect the quality of your life in middle and late adulthood. Life expectancy is the average number of years that people are expected to live. Premature death is death before a person reaches his or her predicted life expectancy. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

10 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
7. Helps older adults become stronger and better able to avoid falling  Regular physical activity may help prevent accidents by improving muscular strength, balance, and reaction time. 8. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases Regular physical activity makes the heart stronger, controls cholesterol levels in the body, decreases the risk of coronary thrombosis, and improves coronary collateral circulation. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

11 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
Cardiovascular disease is a disease of the heart and blood vessels. Cardiac output is the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute. High-density lipoproteins, or HDLs, are substances in blood that carry cholesterol to the liver for breakdown and excretion. Low-density lipoproteins, or LDLs, are substances in blood that deposit cholesterol in body cells. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

12 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
Coronary thrombosis is the narrowing of one of the coronary arteries by a blood clot, which causes a section of the heart muscle to die from lack of oxygen. Coronary collateral circulation is the development of additional arteries that can deliver oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.


14 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
9. Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure  Blood pressure is the force of blood against the artery walls. Dynamic blood pressure is the measure of changes in blood pressure during the day. A stroke is a condition caused by a blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

15 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
10. Reduces blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure  Regular physical activity helps people who already have high blood pressure maintain a desirable weight or lose weight if needed. Regular physical activity helps prevent plaque from collecting on artery walls, thereby preventing high blood pressure. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

16 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
11. Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer  Regular physical activity helps the movement of waste through the colon, which decreases the risk of colon cancer. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

17 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
What kind of physical fitness do you get from physical activity?

18 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
Prevent and Improve Illnesses Through Regular Physical Activity Millions of Americans suffer from illnesses that can be prevented or improved through regular physical activity. • About 64 percent of Americans age 20 years and older are overweight and more than 44 million are obese. • About 61 million people live with cardiovascular disease including high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and congestive heart failure. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

19 What to Know About Physical Activity and Health Status
Prevent and Improve Illnesses Through Regular Physical Activity Millions of Americans suffer from illnesses that can be prevented or improved through regular physical activity. • 17 million people have diabetes. • About 950,000 people die of cardiovascular disease each year. • About 105,500 people are newly diagnosed with colon cancer each year. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.


21 Healthful Physical Activities
The same amount of activity found in a short, strenuous session can be obtained in longer sessions of moderately intense activities. If you already participate in moderate physical activity, you can benefit even more by increasing the time or intensity of your activity. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

22 Ways to Get a Moderate Amount of Physical Activity
A moderate amount of physical activity can be achieved in a variety of different ways. You can accomplish the same results if you walk 1.75 miles in 35 minutes, swim laps for 20 minutes, do water aerobics for 30 minutes, or stair walk for 15 minutes. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

23 Ways to Get a Moderate Amount of Physical Activity
Achieving a Moderate Amount of Physical Activity Dance: Any kind of dancing can provide health benefits. Rake leaves: Many people consider raking a chore, but it can be one of the most healthful ways to enjoy autumn weather. Play wheelchair basketball: Basketball is a popular sport among people who have physical disabilities. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

24 Physical Fitness Plans
Physical fitness is the ability to perform physical activities and meet the demands of daily living while being energetic and alert. A physical fitness plan is a written plan of physical activities to develop each of the components of fitness and a schedule for doing them. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

25 What to Know About Physical Fitness Plans
Follow these steps to develop health-related and skill-related fitness. 1. Design a physical fitness plan. Include the goal or goals you want to reach and when you want to reach them. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

26 What to Know About Physical Fitness Plans
2. Use the FITT formula. The FITT formula is a formula in which each letter represents a factor for determining how to obtain fitness benefits from physical activity: F-Frequency, I-Intensity, T-Time, and T-Type. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

27 What to Know About Physical Fitness Plans
3. Include a warm-up and cooldown. A warm-up is 5-10 minutes of easy physical activity to prepare the muscles to do more work. A cooldown is 5-10 minutes of reduced physical activity to help the body return to the nonexercising state. A warm-up and a cooldown reduce the risk of physical activity-related injuries. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

28 What to Know About Physical Fitness Plans
4. Include aerobic exercises to develop cardiorespiratory endurance and a healthful body composition.  Do aerobic exercises three to five days a week at your target heart rate. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

29 What to Know About Physical Fitness Plans
5. Include resistance exercises to develop muscular strength and muscular endurance.  Do resistance exercises two to four days a week with a day of rest between workouts. 6. Include static stretching exercises to develop flexibility.  To reduce the risk of injuries, perform various stretching exercises two to three days a week and also include them as part of your warm-up and cooldown. Click the mouse button or press the space bar to display information.

30 Study Guide 1. Match the following terms and definitions.
1B, 1C, 1H, 1I, 17B Study Guide 1. Match the following terms and definitions. ___ coronary thrombosis ___ stroke ___ norepinephrine ___ coronary collateral circulation ___ beta-endorphins C E A D B A. a chemical that helps transmit brain messages along certain nerves B. chemicals produced in the brain that create a feeling of well-being C. the narrowing of one of the coronary arteries by a blood clot D. the development of additional arteries that deliver oxygenated blood to the heart muscle E. a condition caused by a blocked or broken blood vessel in the brain

31 Study Guide 2. Identify the following statements as true or false.
1B, 1I Study Guide 2. Identify the following statements as true or false. _______ Participating in regular physical activity early in life will not affect the quality of your life in middle and late adulthood. _______ The same amount of activity found in a short, strenuous session can be obtained in longer sessions of moderately intense activities. _______ A warm-up and a cooldown reduce the risk of physical activity-related injuries. false true

32 Cardiovascular disease
1B, 1C Study Guide 3. Fill in the blank with the appropriate term from the lesson. A. ________________ is the percentage of fat tissue and lean tissue in the body. B. _____________________ is a disease of the heart and blood vessels. C. ______________ is the ability to perform physical activities and to meet the demands of daily living while being energetic and alert. Body composition Cardiovascular disease Physical fitness

33 End of the Lesson

34 Lesson Resources

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