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Monday 9th September 2019 William Torbitt Primary School

2 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Across the country, children in Year 1 take part in a phonics check during the Summer term called the ‘Phonics Screening’. This year the screening takes place during the week beginning Monday 8th June. During the screening, children are asked to to read a mixture of real and made-up words known to the children as ‘alien words’. There are 40 words altogether. Last year the pass rate was 32 out of 40. This year the pass rate is unknown! It will be decided by the Government once data is calculated.

3 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
The check is taken under test conditions with one member of staff familiar to the children in a quiet area of the school. The purpose of the screening is to ensure that all children are at the national age-related expectation level for phonics, which is Phase 5. The words featured will test children’s knowledge and recognition of the graphemes taught up to and including Phase 5. Children who do not pass the check are re-tested in Year 2.

4 Phase 3 j v w x y z zz qu ch sh th ng ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur ow oi
ear air ure er

5 Phase 5 a-e (as in came) au (as in author) aw (as in saw)
ay (as in day) e-e (as in these) ea (as in sea) ew (as in chew) ew (as stew) ey (as in key) i-e (as in like) ie (as in pie) ir (as in girl) Phase 5 o-e (as in bone) oe (as in toe) ou (as in out) oy (as in boy) ph (as in phone) u-e (as in June) u-e (as in huge) ue (as in clue) ue (as in due) wh (as in when)

6 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check
Things to look out for… Aliens words ARE Alien words! It is ok to ‘sound out’ the word. Take your time. You are allowed to correct yourself! Correct ‘sounding out’ but incorrect ‘blending’. There may be more than one way of saying a word e.g. zead as in bead or zead as in head would both be acceptable.

7 Useful Websites
Mr T’s phonics – you tube Jolly phonics songs phase 2/3 – you tube

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