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4 Thousands of lives transformed, including yours.

5 The United Way of the Quad Cities will be a catalyst for change and a partner of choice for investors who want to change lives, help people and strengthen our community. VISION

6 United Way of the Quad Cities brings together local agencies, corporations, labor, donors and volunteers to create the conditions for ALL Quad Citizens to live their best possible life. MISSION

7 The United way of the Quad Cities exists to create conditions to help people live better lives. Together, we do that by mobilizing people, money, projects and organizations.

8 The work Listen to every voice. Take action. Continuously learn.
United Way’s work and investments stay in the Quad Cities, supporting thousands of people every year. Listen to every voice. Take action. Continuously learn. Be a champion for the Quad Cities.

9 How we create lasting change
But before we get too far down the path of the details of what we do, I want to pause and reflect on the REAL challenges our community faces-the challenges that cause people who live right here in the Quad Cities to struggle and live in poverty.

10 These goals demonstrate what we do with the money you invest in United Way and the rigor we go through to ensure that investment leads to meaningful results. These goals also make it transparent when things are not going as well as our community needs them to be and where we need them to be doing more.


12 to drop out or fail out of high school.
Third grade is a pivotal point… if you fall behind, chances are you may stay there for the rest of your life. Students who are unable to read at grade level by the end of third grade are of children in the Quad Cities are not reading proficiently by third grade. to drop out or fail out of high school.

13 Kids succeed Increase the percentage of kids who have the social, developmental and educational skill needed to succeed in kindergarten to 90% Currently 81.6% Twice as likely to be reading by 3rd grade then 4x more likely to graduate high school When kids have the skills for kindergarten, they are twice as likely to be reading proficiently in third grade.


15 of jobs in the Quad Cities are middle-skilled jobs.
of jobs lack skilled employees. There are well-paying positions in our community, but not enough people with the skills needed to fill these positions. These are jobs that require more than a high school diploma, certification or associate degree.

16 Economic opportunities for all
Increase the percentage of people who are financially stable to 75% Currently 63% Twice as likely to be reading by 3rd grade then 4x more likely to graduate high school 56% of jobs in the Quad Cities require skills or training beyond high school up to associate degree. Only 38% of the workforce has the right skills for these jobs. Iowa Workforce and QC Labor Shed


18 of our young people under the age of 18 are struggling and don’t feel like they have a purpose. of our community’s young adults suffer and struggle to find the support they need to get on a positive track and lead a happy, quality life.

19 88% and happy life . Healthy
Increase the percentage of people who report good/very good mental health status to 88% under the age of 18 are lonely or depressed and don’t feel like they have a purpose. People who find meaning in their work and life are 94% more and engaged and nearly 3 times more likely to stay with their employer. Human work

20 Testimony



23 Building blocks for a quality life
and foundation for a strong community. Together, we can give every Quad Citizen the opportunity to live their best possible life.


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