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Rule 5/6/13 Conversion to General Permits

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1 Rule 5/6/13 Conversion to General Permits
Mary Atkins, pe, cpesc Wessler Engineering

2 Background Rule 5 Rule 13 327 IAC 15-5 327 IAC 15-13
NPDES general permit by rule for land disturbing activities and construction runoff Rule 6 327 IAC 15-6 NPDES general permit by rule for industrial activities Rule 13 327 IAC 15-13 NPDES general permit by rule for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)

3 What is the change? Convert “permit by rule” to an administratively issued general permit Permits are to be developed and issued by IDEM 5 year permit terms

4 Why the change? EPA has mandated the change
Potential conflict with permittees establishing rules. 2003 – last time regulations changed Update according to EPA requirements (Remand Rule) Clarify issues encountered over 15 years Incorporate implementation feedback

5 IDEM’s Process IDEM prepared draft language Approved by EPA
Advisory Group to comment/revise language Language back to EPA Permit out for Public notice Rule making Final adoption of the permits

6 Permits will be addressed in the following order
Construction site runoff Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Industrial stormwater runoff Release of Construction and MS4 permits at the same time due to overlap and impacts to MS4s Out for public notice before the end of 2019 Rule 6 (Industrial permit) process has not started. IDEM is forming Advisory Group

7 IDEM Advisory Group and Stakeholders

8 Changes in the Construction Permit
Natural Buffers Sediment Basins Detention and Water Quality Treatment Outfall Stabilization Covering Dumpsters 7 day Stabilization Written Evaluations and Inspections NOI Submittal

9 Natural Buffers

10 Sediment Basins

11 Stormwater Detention

12 Stormwater Quality Treatment

13 Indiana Code Reference

14 Outfall stabilization

15 Cover Dumpsters

16 7-day Stabilization Requirements

17 Concrete Washout - Definition

18 Written Evaluations and Documentation
Detailed list of written evaluation report contents Corrective actions documentation Project management log

19 NOI submittal Open permits must obtain new coverage
Update activity-based requirements Design components will not require retrofit

20 Anticipated Changes in the MS4 Permit
General Requirements MCM 1 – Public Education and Outreach MCM 2 – Public Involvement MCM 3 – Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination MCM 4 – Construction MCM 5 – Post Construction MCM 6 – Municipal Operations Annual Reporting

21 General Requirements Permit numbering for co-permits
MS4 Operator – Highest elected official MS4 Coordinator – Program administrator/contact person Training requirements Program administrators Municipal staff Plan reviewers Construction inspection/enforcement Established timelines for updating the program and ordinances

22 MCM 1 and MCM 2 Education/Involvement
Considering merging MCM 1 and MCM 2 Develop Comprehensive Plan for education and involvement

23 MCM 3 Illicit Discharge Allowable discharges in IDDE ordinance
Ordinance review and update Mapping Dry weather screening requirements

24 MCM 4 and MCM 5 Construction/Post-Construction
New Construction Permit Minimum Standards Ordinance review and update Requirements for plan review of construction SWPPPs Requirements for inspection and enforcement

25 MCM 6 Municipal Operations
Clear requirements for the content within facility SWPPPs Timeline or facility self-inspections Developing written standard operating procedures (SOPs)

26 Annual Report A list of information to be submitted with annual report
Annual instead of every 2 years Will likely be on the calendar year Will eventually be submitted on-line

27 House Bill 1266 House Enrolled Act 1266
Title: Erosion and Sediment Control in Construction Projects Effective July 1, 2019 ACEC provided comment during the process Is an Indiana law not a permit condition

28 Plan Review Review authority has
10 working days for plan review of small projects 14 working days for large projects Current Rule 5 allows 28 days for review If no review Submit NOI and begin work after 48 hours It is unclear how other local permit approvals will be affected Building permits, plan commission approval, tech committee reviews

29 Qualifications of a Plan Reviewer
Trained Individual Mimics current Rule 5 definition Completion of course work State registration Professional certification Annual training

30 Stop Work Orders May not stop work on the grounds of erosion and sediment control measures unless the site owner is given 72 hours of written notice Does not apply to “a public hazard or safety hazard”

31 No More Stringent MS4s shall not impose erosion and sediment control measures on a construction site that is more stringent than erosion and sediment control measures established by the general permit.

32 Questions? Mary K. Atkins, PE, CPESC Wessler Engineering

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