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Ghammelin Catherine Sibilang, Evelyn Hemme Tambunan

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1 Ghammelin Catherine Sibilang, Evelyn Hemme Tambunan
Nursing Students’ Perception on Stigma Towards People Living With HIV/AIDS Ghammelin Catherine Sibilang, Evelyn Hemme Tambunan

2 Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) (2016)
The increased number of HIV/AIDS cases lead to the increasing problems towards PLWHA. Social and health problems of PLWHA rise as a result of stigma associated with AIDS which also affected their lives.

3 Isolation Abuse Protect Poor Health Services Include Empower Violence
Discrimination Protect Include Empower Educate Simbayi on ”Internalized stigma, discrimination, and depression among men and women living with HIV/AIDS in Cape Town, South Africa.” - claims that PLWHA is stigmatized because it carries many symbolic association with danger, attribution of contagion, immorality and incurability and also punishment for sinful acts. According to Paryati, Raksanagara, & Afriandi (2012) There are 5 types of Stigma towards A person: And UNAIDS and WHO have shared their responses on what can we do about stigma: Protect: Anti discrimination laws – Challenging Violence Include: Health care services – Stigma and discrimination reduction as a goal Empower: Understand rights – Act on violence Educate: Address fears – change Attitudes

4 bachelor of nursing students
one group pre test – post test 1st & 2nd HIV/AIDS MedSurg course bachelor of nursing students 93 The Research methode used is the one group pre test post test design. In which the Perception on stigma towards PLWHA is measured before and after health education. The population In this research are the first and second year students of bachelor nursing in UNAI who haven’t taken medical surgical course about HIV/AIDS. Or, Immunology and Tropical disease. respondents

5 Demographic data from 93 respondents there are 64 female respondents (68,82%) and 29 (31,18%) male respondents

6 Result Respondent Category Frequency (ƒ) Percents (%) Pre Post
Negative Perception Positive Perception 67 26 24 69 72,04% 27,96% 25,80% 74,20% From the table above it can be seen that the number of respondents with negative perception before given health education is 67 respondents (72,04%), the number changes (decreases) after given health education that is as many as 24 people (25,80%). In contrast, the number of respondents with positive perception increases from 26 respondents (27,96%) before given health education to 69 respondents (74,20%). From the results of this study, it can be inferred that UNAI’s Bachelor of Nursing Students’ levels one and two perception of stigma toward PLWHA before health education is in the category ‘bad’ which means it still has a bad stigma against PLWHA. Their perception of stigma towards PLWHA after the health education has changed from having bad perception to good perception towards PLWHA. Therefore, it is expected that this research can be an input material especially when giving nursing care to PLWHA so that when caring them the students are expected to have less or no stigma against PLWHA after realizing the importance of the influence of health education on reducing stigma against PLWHA. Attitude Interpretation Positif Negatif x ≥ median x < median Good Perception Bad Perception Sumber: (Nusantara, 2015) Median=47


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