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Welcome to the Year 1 Parent Meeting 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 1 Parent Meeting 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 1 Parent Meeting 2019

2 Year 1 Team Miss Moseley 1W Class Teacher Year group Leader
Miss Prabhu 1T Class Teacher Miss Cheslin 1P Class Teacher Mrs Kyprianou, Mrs Saffron, Mrs Malka, Mrs Nevill, Mrs Akhtar, Mrs Dhir, Mrs Wahab Learning Support Coaches

3 The Curriculum We offer a rich and broad curriculum where learning is not only engaging but purposeful.

4 Core book based Curriculum
Going on a Journey English Maths Geography core text THE NAUGHTY BUS DT Computing Music Science

5 Books and topics for the year
Autumn term Topic- Going on a Journey Books- The Naughty Bus and Where the Wild Things Are Spring term Topic- Toys Books- Toys in Space and This is the Bear Summer term Topic- Visitors from Afar, The Great Fire of London Books- Beegu and information books

6 Autumn Term Going on a Journey
Our topic this term is ‘Going on a Journey’. Children will be thinking about journeys they have made or would like to make and the different kinds of transport we use to go to places. They will find out about transport in the past and in other countries. All our learning across the curriculum will be linked to our topic.

7 Some things to look forward to in the Autumn Term
Trip to Epping Forest Nature walks to find signs of Autumn Visit from a dentist

8 Spring Term Toys Our topic in the spring term is ‘Toys’.
We will be looking at toys children play with now and comparing them with toys in the past. We will find out about toys played with by children in other countries. We will link looking at toys to learning about different materials and their properties. In DT, we will make a moving toy.

9 Some things to look forward to in the spring term
Visit from Redbridge Toy Museum Nature walks to find signs of Spring Design and make a moving toy

10 Summer Term Visitors from Afar
Our topic in the summer term is ‘Visitors from Afar’. We will be looking at maps of the world and learning to identify the seven continents and five oceans. We will find out about different countries, and make our own maps. In history, we will learn about the Great Fire of London. We will learn how to use information books, and think about the ways in which life was different in the past.

11 Some things to look forward to in the summer term
Trip to Museum of London Sports day Visit to the local church

12 English Areas of learning- (Reading, Writing, Phonics and Spelling)
Writing for a purpose – making links to grammar Expectations of presentation in books

13 Our new home reading journals!
All children should be reading a minimum of 5 days a week. Our new journals have instructions on how they are to be used on the back. They also include a central 8-page full-colour guide for the reader and reading helper.  For each day your child reads they need to note this down in the journal and get it signed by a parent/guardian to confirm they have read. For each confirmed day they will get a mark on the reading chart. Replacement journals can be purchased from the school office for £1.

14 In every class there is a read to succeed chart where the number of times your child has read will be displayed. Journals will be checked so remember to check your child’s reading journal daily and sign it.

15 Individual Reading Children read regularly to the teacher or LSC
Books are banded and children move up when teachers consider that they are ready for the next level (it is important to note that this is not based only on their ability to read aloud, but also their understanding of the text). Children take books home to practise with parents

16 Guided Reading At William Torbitt Primary, there is a determination that every child will learn to read and enjoy it! The teaching of reading is at the heart of the curriculum. In addition to using a core text approach for English, we have regular Guided Reading sessions that last up to 30 minutes. Children are put into groups of 5/6 where they will read a range of texts with guidance from the teacher. They will have one focus session with the teacher each week, where they are able to develop their skills through discussions. For the rest of the week they complete a set of appropriately challenging tasks. The children apply the skills they learn throughout the curriculum.

17 Spellings and Phonics overview
At William Torbitt we use Read Write Inc Phonics to teach daily sessions from Nursery to Year 2. The children learn to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. They learn to form each letter, spell correctly, and compose their ideas step-by-step. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 follow the Rising Stars spelling scheme that takes the children through the core spelling requirements from the English programme of study. The children learn how to spell with fun activities each week. They also have a weekly spelling test to see how well they are doing.

18 Mathematics Mastery Key Principles
The school has adopted a new scheme called ‘Maths Mastery’ in Years R to 3. Key Principles

19 Mathematics Mastery Mathematical thinking Conceptual understanding
Pupils deepen their understanding by representing concepts using objects and pictures, making connections between different representations and thinking about what different representations stress and ignore. Mathematical thinking Pupils deepen their understanding by giving an examples, by sorting or comparing, or by looking for patterns and rules in the representations they are exploring problems with. Language and communication Pupils deepen their understanding by explaining, creating problems, justifying and proving using mathematical language. This acts as a scaffold for their thinking deepening their understanding further.

20 Mathematics Mastery Lessons are structured into 6 parts

21 One piece of Maths or English home learning will be given weekly on a Friday
It must be handed in by 9.00 am the following Wednesday Work relating to the topic will sometimes be set instead of English home learning Daily reading – a minimum of 5 times per week to be recorded in their reading journals If your child has difficulty, or is unable to complete the tasks set, please feel free to speak to the class teacher on Monday

22 How you can support your child at home:
Please ensure that your child reads every evening (5-10 minutes). You can help by learning key words and asking questions about the book that your child is reading. Ensure that an adult has signed the child’s reading journal at least 4 times in a week. Encourage your children to read a range of reading material – stories, information books, comics etc.

23 How you can support your child at home:
Most importantly get out and about. Provide the children with opportunities to explore the world around them, opportunities to speak and question why things work and time to have fun!

24 How you can support your child at home:
Writing for a variety of purposes – making links to the topic e.g. diary writing, formal letter writing and description. Refer to the English writing mat for examples for what the children should be including in their writing. Ensure that your children know how to spell the common exception words or spelling list for the year group. Help them with their Home Learning – but don’t do it for them!

25 How you can support your child at home:
Practise counting and writing numbers up to 100 Make sure children form numbers correctly (reversals) Encourage you child to learn and quickly recall number bonds to 10 and 20 Also encourage them to practise their written methods for addition and subtraction Build confidence and enjoyment in maths by completing practical activities such as measuring, weighing and using coins

26 Just a few reminders… Work at home – not too long
Value of extra curricular activities Plenty of sleep Age appropriate games BE

27 Expectations in Year 1 Punctuality & Attendance Making the most of school Soft start – Children will make their way in from 8.50am. Behaviour & Focus Making the most of every lesson

28 WTPS Behaviour Policy Traffic lights System for behaviour
Time out in partner class Time out with SLT Dojos for good behaviour Merits for good effort and work – Bronze, Silver, Gold certificates given out during assemblies Behaviour reflections - 2 Behaviour Reflections- letter home

29 Worry boxes What are they? How are they used?

30 School Uniform Full and appropriate school uniform needs to be worn at all times! Plain navy blue school style jumpers and cardigans White school shirt/polo shirt Grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers/ girls blue and white checked dress White/grey/navy blue head scarf Black shoes or black trainers

31 PE Kit Winter Games Kit White T-shirt
Black or navy blue shorts Black plimsols Winter Games Kit Plain tracksuit - no football strip Trainers

32 Healthy Body, Healthy Minds…
Water bottles – access all day Morning snack Healthy lunch boxes Healthy school dinners

33 Working Together School works best when it is a partnership between us and you! 'We endeavour to always do the best for the children. Occasionally, you may not agree with something or we may get something wrong. Please come and speak to us and we can discuss how to put it right and move forward. We need to work together in partnership.

34 Thank You Thank you for attending and we look forward to getting to know you all! Miss Moseley - 6W Class Teacher/Year Group Leader Miss Prabhu T Class Teacher Miss Cheslin- 6P ClassTeacher Mrs Kyprianou, Mrs Saffron, Mrs Malka, Mrs Nevill, Mrs Akhtar, Mrs Dhir, Mrs Wahab Learning Support Coaches

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