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The experiment based on hier-attention

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1 The experiment based on hier-attention
Raymond ZHAO Wenlong

2 Content In (iCON) Design project Word embedding in 1st step
deep learning like CNN/RNN-LSTM to learn text representations in current step In 3rd step

3 Text Classification Assign labels to text
represent doc with sparse lexical features like n-gram with linear/kernel model deep learning like CNN/RNN-LSTM to learn text representations => Encoder-Decoder Attention mechanism tells where exactly/importantly to look when the neural network is trying to predict parts of a sequence Reference from the “hier-attention” paper

4 Hier-attention network
Attention Model 2016, NACL source code is on github

5 The paper’s result Performances on diff datasets

6 The experiment A bit better in ssize dataset, not in RAM dataset

7 TODO Data preprocessing Pre-Training: Bert Modul by Google
=> Labels by the experts Pre-Training: Bert Modul by Google => source is in github transfer user reviews (laptop) as user inputs => Text generations ?

8 Thanks Welcome to join me

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