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Welcome to Churchill Class!
Welcome to Meet the Teacher / thank you all for coming!
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Strong and Mrs Larkby
Who? Teacher: Miss Dennis Teaching Assistant: Mrs Strong and Mrs Larkby Mrs Phillips is our teaching assistant, she is here every day all day and supports the children in all areas of their learning. Each week as a year group, we meet together on Monday afternoons to plan for the upcoming week. Mrs Randall will be in the class covering whilst I am planning.
The School Day The class doors will be open from 8.45 – 9.00am.
The children should be entering the classroom independently. If your child arrives after this time please take them to the school office. Lunchtime is from 12pm until 1pm. The day ends at 3.15pm. If you are unable to collect your child please phone the school office. If you have made regular arrangements for somebody else to collect your child, please can you put this in writing.
In the classroom… We are trying our best to make the transition from Reception to Year 1 as smooth and easy as possible. For the first few weeks, we have been incorporating more Plan, Do, Review and play based lessons into the timetable. As the term continues, we will be focusing on ensuring that the children can be more independent with their learning.
Behaviour We use shiny tickets to support the children’s behaviour in class and on the playground e.g. good listening, good sitting, team work, being kind. We also have a class reward system which should motivate the children to work well as a team and receive a final whole class reward. Our School Policy is the use of the traffic light system, every child starts each day on Green. They will receive one/two warnings (depending on their behaviour) before they are moved to Orange. Orange Card – time out in another classroom. This can be earned back through good behaviour. Red Card – a red card will result in seeing Mrs Grosse.
Reading at Home Please share your child’s reading book and library books at home with them. This can be recorded in their yellow contact books, either with a comment or just your signature. Reading books will be changed twice a week in the classroom, however if you’re child would like to change their reading book more often they are welcome to do so. We regularly assess your child’s reading and move them up a stage accordingly. We will visit the school library every fortnight which will give your child the opportunity to take a library book home to share with you. Please ensure your child keeps their library book in their bag once they have finished reading so we can share the books in class. Please encourage your child to read for enjoyment at home. We will be starting to go to the library this week!
Support with reading at home…
If your child is reluctant to read at home, you could try some of these strategies: Take turns reading each sentence / page. This will also improve their listening skills. Give them time to figure out tricky words. Discuss the words they find hard and practice reading them together and sounding them out. Model looking at the pictures to figure out the words in the sentence. Read to your child for pleasure, talk about your favourite part of the story and then ask them about theirs.
Phonics In Year One we have a big focus on phonics.
In June the children will take the phonics screen where they will have to read a series of real and alien words.
Home Learning Home Learning goes out on a Thursday and we ask for it to be returned the following Tuesday. Your child will have a task in their home learning book. Please try to encourage them to work through this independently. We ask that they use one double page per week, but you can stick things in or add folded sheets. Also include photos, drawings, labels… The children enjoy sharing their home learning with the rest of the class.
Personal Property Please ensure all personal property is clearly labelled. This should include coats, gloves, PE kits and shoes. Please provide a named water bottle for your child. They can fill this up regularly throughout the day. Wellies are needed in school for our trip to Stanhill Farm in week 6 Date to be confirmed!
PE PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Please ensure that children have the correct P.E. kits in school: House t-shirt, black shorts, black plimsolls Long hair should be tied back. All jewellery should be removed or tape to cover the studs.
Medication If your child requires regular medication e.g. inhalers, please give it to the office where you will be asked to sign a consent form. Inhalers will be kept in the classroom, with a record sheet for when they are used. If your child is sick, either at school or at home, please keep them at home for 24 hours.
Resources If you have any old resources that you are no longer using then we will gratefully have them in school. E.g. Outdoor games Gardening resources including seeds Junk modelling (empty food boxes etc.) Children’s old magazines and comics Any other suitable items
Reminders Letters for any change to pick up- to be given to the Office
We are a no nut school.
Thank you so much!
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