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Chapter 16 Industry and Invention Political Reform and Reaction.

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1 Chapter 16 Industry and Invention Political Reform and Reaction

2 Chapter 16 Labor, Rural, and Economic Issues Change and Challenge

3 Industry Growth Increased population New machines and methods

4 Industry Growth Sympathetic government New sources of power

5 Industry Captains of industry “Robber barons”
Made US the economic envy of the world

6 Industry Captains of industry Market entrepreneurs
Political entrepreneurs Shaped the future

7 Industry Cornelius Vanderbilt Shipping James J. Hill Railroads
Great Northern

8 Industry Andrew Carnegie Steel Vertical integration Carnegie Steel
The Gospel of Wealth

9 Industry John D. Rockefeller Oil Horizontal integration Trust
Standard Oil

10 Industry James Buchanan Duke Tobacco “New South”
American Tobacco Company

11 Industry J. P. Morgan Investment banker
United States Steel Corporation

12 Innovations Diet Dress

13 Innovations Communications Telephone Alexander Graham Bell

14 Innovations Electricity Thomas Edison Menlo Park, NJ Inventions

15 Issues Government corruption Civil service reform Tariff revision
Regulation of the trusts

16 Reform Spoils system synonymous with corruption, incompetence
President Hayes

17 Factions “Stalwarts” Senator Conkling “Half-breeds” President Hayes

18 1880 Republican factions Garfield for president Half-breed
Arthur for VP Stalwart

19 1880 Democrats nominate Winfield S. Hancock Garfield won the election

20 Garfield Reforms short-lived Shot a few months after inauguration
Charles Guiteau

21 Arthur Turned out to be conscientious Backed civil service reform

22 Tariffs Arthur favored lowering tariff rates Mongrel Tariff
Failed to reform Partisan

23 1884 Republicans nominated James G. Blaine
Democrats nominated Grover Cleveland

24 1884 Mudslinging Cleveland won narrow victory
NY decided by 1,149 votes

25 Trusts Interstate Commerce Act “Reasonable and just” Publish rates
Creation of ICC

26 1888 Republicans nominated Benjamin Harrison
Democrats renominated Grover Cleveland

27 1888 Cleveland won popular vote but lost in electoral college

28 Harrison Weak president Dominated by Blaine “Billion-Dollar Congress”

29 Harrison Sherman Antitrust Act Made monopolizing illegal
Difficult to enforce

30 Harrison McKinley Tariff Highest tariffs yet Trade decreased
1890 elections saw big Democratic gains

31 1892 Cleveland wins rematch with Harrison
Democrats also control both House and Senate

32 Panic Panic of ‘93 Worst economic depression in nation’s history to that time

33 Labor Industrialization Immigration Child labor Legislation

34 Labor Unions Knights of Labor Terrence V. Powderly Issues advocated
Less radical and violent

35 Labor Unions American Federation of Labor (AFL) Samuel Gompers

36 Labor Unrest Haymarket Riot Anarchists Homestead Strike

37 Labor Unrest Pullman Strike Eugene V. Debs Injunction Socialism

38 Rural Revolt Farmers’ grievances Grange Oliver H. Kelly Railroads
Munn v. Illinois Farmers’ Alliance

39 Rural Revolt Populism Populist Party Currency policy Free silver

40 1896 Republicans: William McKinley Democrats: William Jennings Bryan
“The Great Commoner”

41 1896 McKinley campaigned from home Bryan went on a tour of the country
McKinley won


43 Growth Cities Attractions An ugly side

44 Immigration New Immigration Fewer from Britain, Germany
More from Southern and Eastern Europe Chinese

45 Immigration Many immigrants had no money, job skills “Sweat shops”
Tenements Opposition Diversity in society

46 New Forces Darwinism The Origin of Species “Natural selection”
Social Darwinism Herbert Spencer

47 New Forces Reform Darwinism Lester Frank Ward Importance of government
Darwinism and religion

48 New Forces Race Relations Jim Crow laws Segregation
Depriving the right to vote Plessy v. Ferguson

49 New Forces Booker T. Washington Up From Slavery
Concentrate on bettering selves economically

50 New Forces W. E. B. DuBois Sought a political solution

51 New Forces Literature Realism/Mark Twain
Naturalism/Stephen Crane and Jack London Success/Horatio Alger

52 New Forces Materialism Leisure Baseball Sports Vaudeville Circuses

53 New Forces Leisure Bicycles Alcohol Desire for prosperity

54 Meeting the Challenge Urban evangelism D. L. Moody
Evangelistic campaigns Methodology Sam Jones

55 Meeting the Challenge Effects Millions heard Gospel
Salvation decisions Societal effects Prohibition and reform efforts

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