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Amazing estimaters ..

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Presentation on theme: "Amazing estimaters .."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amazing estimaters .

2 Who is better at estimating: male or female?

3 purpose The purpose of this project is to determine if girls or boys are better at estimating. This is important because if you want a good estimate you know who to ask a boy or girl.

4 hypothesis We hypothesize that girls are better at estimating. We think that because last year at the Spring Fling of the three estimating contest two were won by girls.

5 procedureS

6 MATERIALS 1 Bag of M&MS 5 Pieces of paper 2 Boxes of Reese Pieces
Marbles Brads Jar Pencil

7 vAriables Manipulated/Independent: Male or Female
Responding/Dependent: Average Estimate Constant: the amount of objects in the jar

8 DIRECTIONS 1. Count and record the number of M&Ms. Keep count hidden from test estimators 2. Place M&Ms in a clear Jar 3. Have estimators estimate the number of M&Ms. Record estimate 4. Repeat steps1-3 with marbles 5. Repeat steps 1-3 with brads 6. Repeat steps 1-3 with pencils 7. Repeat steps 1-3 Reese pieces 8. Calculate the average estimates 9. Calculate the average difference between actual and average estimates.




12 conclusion Our hypothesis was incorrect. Males are better at estimating. The females average was The males average was T he thing we could change is the materials and the using the same amount of females and males estimators. A new idea is that we could have estimators estimate height and distance.

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