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Melanie A. Petersen Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

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Presentation on theme: "Melanie A. Petersen Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost"— Presentation transcript:

1 Melanie A. Petersen Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost
Hiring Practices Melanie A. Petersen Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

2 Purpose of Today’s Presentation
To build greater understanding of the role that hiring plays in ensuring the organization can achieve its core beliefs and commitment to student learning, high quality instruction, excellent leadership, safety and a culture of tolerance, integrity and professionalism To outline the hiring process used in the FUSD, and your role in the process

3 "Of all the decisions an executive makes, none is as important as the decisions about people because they determine the performance capacity of the organization." ~Peter F. Drucker

4 FUSD Goals All students will excel in reading, writing and math
All students will engage in arts, activities and athletics All students will demonstrate the character and competencies for workplace success All students will stay in school on target to graduate

5 FUSD Hiring Practices The people we hire make these goals possible

6 Fresno Unified Board Policies
Effective accountability is achieved via the shared leadership of students, parents, teachers, staff and community Accountability flows in multiple directions; one of the most significant is between our employee groups

7 Simply Put: FUSD considers all employees to be adult learners and further considers adult learning to be a necessary condition for student learning.  This belief guides our entire hiring process

8 Goal: Standards/competencies are the basis for performance management and for hiring Effective hiring practices help ensure that we can meet our goals, and that there will be fewer issues in the workplace

9 Standards and Competencies Tied to Position in System
Applicant Tracking Job openings posted online Applicants apply for positions online Screen online; match person to position Application information transferred in to the system Evaluation Management Professional Learning Succession Planning

10 Motivated, Effective Employees
Applicants should see a fair and consistent process

11 Process for Identifying FUSD Quality candidates

12 Overview of Process Did you know?
Initial eligibility is reviewed by FUSD HR Administration HR receives almost 2000 applications per year Did you know?

13 Overview of Process Paper screening includes multiple measures
Initial interviews are completed by Skillful Selection Team Principals are then given a list of applicants to interview

14 Site Processes Input from the site leaders and hiring committees provide localized input into the process This helps ensure the unique challenges and opportunities of each location are considered in the hiring process

15 Who Can Be on the Panel? Panels may include: Classified employees
Administrators Grade level chairs Classified employees Community members

16 FUSD Leaders Objective Role Guiding questions Why stick to the script?
These should align to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and FIT questions Any changes need to go through HR Why stick to the script? Links for the CSTP and FIT questions are available in the resource toolbox.

17 What Can We Ask? Prepare your panelists for the interview process

18 What Can We Ask? Legal Framework
Avoid topics that can lead to discrimination based on protected categories Guiding Questions Stick to the Outline There may be issues we are interested in, but are not appropriate for interview questions

19 Your Role In Selecting Talent
Ask the same questions of all candidates, but make sure to probe incomplete responses or ask follow-up questions Make clear notes and rate each candidate after the interview while your thoughts are fresh Be able to clearly and objectively explain why you rated each candidate as you did 19

20 Your Role In Selecting Talent
Remember that the candidate is interviewing you, too Be a good representative of the organization Be honest about the work and the environment Answer questions that a candidate has about the job 20

21 Common Questions to AVOID
When were you born? When did you finish high school? Age Discrimination

22 Common Questions to AVOID
Where were you born? Where are your parents from? Citizenship, National Origin

23 Common Questions to AVOID
You look familiar; don’t you go to my cousin’s church? Religious beliefs

24 Common Questions to AVOID
How many kids do you have at home? Family Status

25 Common Questions to AVOID
This job requires a lot of lifting, are you sure you can handle it? Any physical limitations, if relevant, will generally be determined after an offer is made

26 Common Questions to AVOID
Tell us what community organizations you belong to, and why?

27 Common Questions to AVOID
Did you get an honorable discharge from the military?

28 Why Can’t We Ask These Questions
All questions should be job related If questions lead to answers regarding ‘protected categories’ applicants could allege discrimination Despite good intentions, asking certain questions may lead to allegations EEOC and DFEH concerns

29 Example A qualified applicant’s resume lists previous place of employment as “Smith for President” Smith is a Republican Senator Applicant’s political affiliation is presumed How would this affect your questions?

30 Site Process All notes and interview sheets should be kept at the site for one year Concern if any discrimination charges are filed by applicants; interview notes are usually requested and will substantiate your process

31 Your Role In Selecting Talent
Make a timely decision Taking too long to make a decision may result in the loss of the most talented and highly qualified applicant Inform all applicants of their status in a professional and timely manner Conduct a background check Call references, don’t just rely on letters of recommendation 31

32 Offers of Employment Final employment offers are made by the District office, not the sites This ensures consistency in the process District office staff will be aware of factors that may not come through in an interview

33 Set the Tone Employees are first interested in the things that affect them personally and as members of FUSD What is expected of me? What am I held accountable for? What is my schedule? Who are my students? Does each employee see how their work impacts students? 33

34 Set the Tone Having a sense of belonging is very important to new employees What professional learning opportunities are available? Who is the grade level/department lead and what are the goals/targets of my grade level/department? Do they have a mentor/coach? Provide the initial tools and supplies needed 34

35 Nepotism No employee may supervise an immediate relative
Remember, in addition to favoritism concerns, the public views this as improper

36 Investing in Excellence
Sticking to prepared, job-related questions will result in a consistent, fair hiring process that will allow you to focus on and assess the skills of employees Keep your mind open to diverse points of view, people and cultures Great hiring practices result in fewer personnel problems and help create a great work environment

37 Preparing Career Ready Graduates
HR.Online is created through a partnership between the Fresno Unified School District's HR Department, the Fresno County Office of Education and Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost LLP, leaders in education law Preparing Career Ready Graduates

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