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Wannier in abinit. Si and ZnSb March

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1 Wannier in abinit. Si and ZnSb March 3. 2011
Electron poor materials research group Wannier in abinit. Si and ZnSb March

2 Procedure Steal relaxed structure from VASP calculation
Run Abinit to get the maximally locallized wannier functions (MLWF). Search through the output bands for wannier functions that are located in places of interest. This is done via an overlap with another function that has an object located at the place of interest. This was done for Si and ZnSb.

3 Si “INCAR” ndtset 2 # Silicon structure acell 10.333 10.333 10.333
rprim natom xred ntypat typat znucl symmorphi # Plane wave basis ecut #low ecut since this is a sample case # kpoint grid ngkpt #grid of 4x4x4 kpoints #this is too low, you nshiftk #just one shift is shiftk #no shift

4 Si “INCAR” continued… # Self-consistent run to get the density iscf1 5
nstep tolvrs d-12 #Tolerance for convergence nband1 5 prtden1 1 diemac #Preconditioner for scf kptopt1 1 istwfk1 8*1 #Controls the form of the wavefunctions # Second: Wannier90 iscf #nscf run nstep #just read the old wave functions tolwfr2 1.e-10 #dummy here getwfk2 1 getden2 1 # Usual file handling data prtwant2 2 # Call to Wannier90 nband2 4 istwfk2 64*1 #Controls the form of the wavefunctions kptopt2 3 # Option for the automatic generation of k points w90prtunk2 1 #Prints UNK files (for plotting the Wannier

5 num_wann !SHOULD PROBABLY EQUAL THE NUMBER OF OCCUPIED BANDS !CONVERGENCE num_iter !MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TOTAL ITERATIONS num_cg_steps 20 !NUMBER OF CG STEPS BEFORE STEEPEST DESCENT conv_window 2 !>1 MEANS STOP CONVERGENCE WHEN DELTA < conv_tol conv_tol 1E-12 conv_noise_amp 10 !ADDS RANDOM NOISE AFTER CONVERGENCE AT conv_tol !AND RECONVERGES TO MAKE SURE THE MINIMUM IS REACHED !plotting wannier_plot = true wannier_plot_supercell = 2 !how far out to plot the wannier functions

6 Si Wannier States

7 ZnSb wannier spheres for overlap

8 Wannier overlap with spheres

9 ZnSb 3centers

10 Contour Image of wannier in ZnSb
2.91Å 2.8Å

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