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Something Special Mick Inkpen
Cranberry Academy FS1 Long Term Plan Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Celebrations/Events Harvest Bonfire Night, Diwali Christmas Easter Topic/Theme Author Focus Me and My Family Jill Murphy ( Peace at last) The World Around Me Jill Murphy (Whatever Next) Something Special Mick Inkpen (Kipper stories ) Down on the farm Jez Albrough (Fix It Duck, Farmer Duck) Let’s Pretend Super Me Personal Social Emotional Development Playing pretend games cooperatively with peers. Initiating play and responding to what peers say and do, beginning to form good relationships . Exploring activities, developing own preferences and participating in new experiences. Adapting behaviour to new events or changes in routine Enjoys responsibility Confidently talks to peers whilst playing/about home. Talks about own needs and feelings. Accepts the needs of others and begin to take turns. Develop awareness of own actions and impact upon others. Initiates conversations throughout play demonstrating friendly behaviour towards adults and peers. Aware of own and others feelings . Share ideas and opinions describing their interests and preferences. Understand how their actions affect other people . Aware of the behaviour expectations in school. Demonstrate friendly behaviour initiating conversation, taking account of what others say. Begin to speak about own needs, wants, interests and opinions. Describe themselves in a positive way and talk about their abilities. Aware of own feelings. Aware of behaviour expectations. Communication and Language Listens eagerly to stories joining in with repetitive phrases. Maintains concentration appropriate for the activity. Follow simple instructions containing 3 words. Begins to understand how/why questions, understands prepositions and some adjectives. Talks about themselves, sharing favourite things and ideas. Use vocab focused on important objects and people. Shares experiences using simple sentences. Use talk to connect ideas, explain, anticipate, recall and relive experiences. Builds up vocabulary reflecting their experiences Using talk in pretend play and role play. Questions why things happen and how they work Maintains attention, concentrating in a small group/ whole class learning . Able to listen and complete activities for short periods of time. Listening to stories without pictures/props. Respond to 2 part instructions. Listens well to ideas expressed by peers. Uses language to imagine and recreate roles . Uses past, present and future tense. Uses talk to help organise thinking and clarify ideas, feelings, events. Introduce narrative to their play. Physical Development Develop fine motor skills drawing lines and circles. Use one handed tools and equipment . Develop gross motor skills, negotiating space, changing direction when running . Develop pencil grip beginning to copy letters from their name. Understand that equipment/tools need to be used safely. Use toilet independently Observe the effect of activity on their bodies. Eat a healthy range of food and understand the need for variety in food. Begins to show preference for a dominant hand. Experiments with ways of moving jumping and landing appropriately . Dry during the day. Handle tools, construction and malleable materials with increasing control . Uses simple tools to effect changes to materials.. Understand why we eat a variety of foods. Show some understanding of why we exercise eat sleep and begin to be aware of how we stay safe Negotiates space when playing racing and chasing games with other children, adjusting speed or changing direction to avoid obstacles. Begin to form recognisable letters holding pencil correctly. Begin to travel with confidence and skill around, under, over, through, balancing and climbing Understand the need for safety when tackling new challenges. Show increasing control over an object pushing, throwing, catching, kicking. Understand some good practices regarding healthy eating, exercise, sleeping and good hygiene.
Something Special Mick Inkpen
Cranberry Academy FS1 Long Term Plan Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Celebrations/Events Harvest Bonfire Night, Diwali Christmas Easter Topic/Theme Author Focus Me and My Family Brown Bear Brown Bear Jill Murphy ( Peace at last) The World Around Me Jill Murphy (Whatever Next) Something Special Mick Inkpen (Kipper stories ) Down on the farm Jez Albrough (Fix It Duck, Farmer Duck) Let’s Pretend Super Me Literacy (English) Joins in with rhymes, songs showing awareness of rhyme , continuing a rhyming string Listens to and joins in with key phrases in stories Looks at books turning pages and handling carefully. Shows interest in illustrations Gives meaning to marks they draw, write or paint Joins in with rhymes and songs showing awareness of alliteration Listens to stories with increasing attention and recall Begins to be aware of story structure, suggesting endings, describing characters and events. Shows interest in/begins to recognise environmental print, signs and logos Begins to hear initial sounds in words e.g. their name Continues rhyming strings Begins to link sounds to letters and name letters of the alphabet Begins to hear and say initial sounds Segments sounds in some simple words to spell and blend together to read Links sounds to letters begin to form recognisable letters to communicate meaning Writes own name and some simple labels (CVC) Can read an increasing range of books and use language influenced by books Begins to write name independently forming recognisable letters Begins to write labels and captions for a purpose Begins to read and write simple sentences Maths Uses number names in play Recognises numerals of personal significance (1-5) Recites numbers to 10 Begins to represent numbers Begins to count up to 5 using 1:1 correspondence Shows curiosity in numbers in the environment Uses positional language Shows interest in shapes creating models , structures and patterns Begins to talk about and describe shapes. Recognises numerals 1-5 then -10 Begins to count objects to 10 and beyond Selects numerals to represent 1-10 objects Identify/ name 2D shapes Begin to estimate quantity and check by counting using 1:1 correspondence Use language more/fewer when comparing sets Identify/ name 3D shapes Order 2/3 items by height/length Describe their position using appropriate positional language State one more or one less than 5-10 objects Begin to use vocabulary involved in adding and in practical activities Creates patterns and models Begins to use vocabulary involved in subtracting in practical activities Begins to identify own mathematical problems based on own interests Orders items by weight/capacity Uses everyday language related to time /money Orders/sequence familiar events
Something Special Mick Inkpen
Cranberry Academy FS1 Long Term Plan Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Celebrations/Events Harvest Bonfire Night, Diwali Christmas Easter Topic/Theme Author Focus Me and My Family Brown Bear Brown Bear Jill Murphy ( Peace at last) The World Around Me Jill Murphy (Whatever Next) Something Special Mick Inkpen (Kipper stories ) Down on the farm Jez Albrough (Fix It Duck, Farmer Duck) Let’s Pretend Super Me Understanding the World Shows interest in the lives of familiar people asking questions about where they live. Operates simple equipment Knows things that make them unique Talks about significant experiences describing special times. Develops understanding of growth and decay Talks about things they have observed, why things happen and how things work. Manipulating technological toys Enjoy family customs/routines Complete simple age appropriate computer programmes Look closely at similarities /differences/patterns and change Shows interest in different occupations and ways of life Shows care and concern for the environment Join in with family customs and routines Discuss how different cultures/religions celebrate special times/occasions Comment about similarities, difference, patterns and change Completes simple age appropriate computer programmes Expressive Arts and Design Sings songs and moves to music Explores colours / Describes texture Uses construction materials, building and balancing Engages in imaginative roles play adding stories Taps out simple repeating rhythms Realises tools can be used for a purpose Captures experiences through different media Uses props to support play Explores music including different sounds of instruments building up a repertoire of songs and dances Experiments with mixing colours Constructs with purpose to achieve a planned effect Choose colour for a purpose creating simple representations of events, people, objects Introduces narrative to play combining movements to express ideas and experiences Creates representations of events, people and objects Combines media and materials to create collage/art work Begins to select a variety of tools, resources and techniques to construct Play alongside children engaged in the same theme Play cooperatively as part of a group to develop and act out a narrative Outdoor Learning Seasons: Autumn Habitat/Hibernation Don’t Hog The Hedge Food/Healthy Choices Oliver's fruit salad Seasons/Winter Life cycles Seasons: Spring/Summer Minibeasts PE Dance Gymnastics Skills Balance Movement skills
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