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Governing America USH 1.2.

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1 Governing America USH 1.2

2 I. Early Government Early English colonists brought the concepts of British gov’t with them Magna Carta recognized the rights of Englishmen English Bill of Rights said king should be limited People have religious freedoms Political tradition said that everyone had rules and everyone had to follow them

3 II. Here in America… By the start of the American Revolution all 13 colonies had a representative assembly House of Burgesses was the 1st in America The Virginia Co. allowed the colonists to create this body to run things and attract new settlers Only men with property could vote King sent a royal governor by the 1620s

4 II. Here in America… Mayflower Compact
Written by the Pilgrims before they got off the Mayflower Said that the people will get to decide what happens 1st time this was written down Democracy spreads as Puritans spread in New England Leads to town meetings with representatives having to go to General Court in Boston Only Puritans could vote at 1st but then all men gained suffrage

5 III. Back in England… English Civil War
Lots of fighting with lots of dead kings and no king for a while Ends with the Glorious Revolution and William & Mary taking over from James II They agree to follow the English Bill of Rights and be limited monarchs Parliament is the legislative body that is supreme Colonies are left alone

6 III. Back in England… Salutary neglect
Colonies were left alone to run themselves Parliament was too far away Parliament didn’t care too much Colonies could tax themselves

7 IV. The problem starts The French and Indian War is expen$ive!
Fought between GB and Fr. over land in America GB wins! GB has the colonists help pay for their protection Sugar Act = indirect tax on sugar and stops smuggling with admiralty courts Courts w/o a jury of peers which is in the Magna Carta

8 IV. The problem starts Stamp Act = direct tax on paper and paper products “No taxation without representation!” Colonial boycott of British goods Sons and Daughters of Liberty Stamp Act Congress It is finally repealed

9 IV. The problem starts British troops stationed in Boston “start” the Boston Massacre British troops fire on a crowd, killing 5 Townshend Acts = more direct taxes Household items like glass, paint, and TEA! Met with another boycott Removed all taxes EXCEPT tea

10 IV. The problem starts Tea Act = gave British East India Company exclusive rights to sell tea in the colonies Colonists protest by boycotting tea Boston Tea Party 3 ships hauling tea dock Colonists prevent them from being unloaded A mob dresses up like Indians and dump 46 tons of tea in the harbor

11 IV. The problem starts Intolerable Acts
Laws and taxes meant to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party Closed Boston’s port All gov’t officials in Mass. would be appointed by the king Trials of king’s employees would be in England not America Troops would be housed in empty buildings

12 V. Continental Congress
Each colony sent representatives to Philadelphia to coordinate a protest 1st Congress met in 1774 Sent Olive Branch Petition to King George III Got no response 2nd Congress met in 1775 Signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776

13 VI. “The shot heard ‘round the world”
British troops march out of Boston to capture arms and John Hancock & Sam Adams Meet with militia at Lexington Green and exchange fire on April 19, 1775 No one knows who fired first Move on to Concord and fight some more March back to Boston getting harassed all the way American Revolution had begun

14 VI. “The shot heard ‘round the world”
Revolution spreads to all 13 colonies Fighting from 1775 – 1781 Many losses for the Americans France joins on the US side They don’t like democracy, but they HATE England GB surrenders at Yorktown, VA in Oct. 1781 Treaty of Paris is signed in 1783 and the war is over!!!

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