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 Form1-A There is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure

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Presentation on theme: " Form1-A There is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure"— Presentation transcript:

1  Form1-A There is no state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure
The ○○th Annual Congress of the Japan Society for Transplantation COI Disclosure   Name of Presenter: ___________________ The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to disclose concerning the presentation.

2 Form1-B There is a state of conflict of interest requiring disclosure
The ○○th Annual Congress of the Japan Society for Transplantation COI Disclosure   Name of Presenter: ___________________ Companies, etc. in a relation of conflict of interest requiring disclosure in relation to the presentation: ①Trust research/joint research funds: ○○pharmaceutical company   ②Scholarship fund: ○○pharmaceutical company   ③Affiliation with Endowed Department:  yes(○○pharmaceuticals) ↑If “yes”, leave the relevant item(s) and give the name(s) of company / organization concerned. (No need to disclose the amounts. )

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