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HeinOnline Overview Presenter: Julie Tedjeske, J.D., M.L.S., M.S.I.S.

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Presentation on theme: "HeinOnline Overview Presenter: Julie Tedjeske, J.D., M.L.S., M.S.I.S."— Presentation transcript:

1 HeinOnline Overview Presenter: Julie Tedjeske, J.D., M.L.S., M.S.I.S.
Electronic Resources and Instructional Services Librarian Duquesne Center for Legal Information

2 Overview What is HeinOnline?
HeinOnline is a legal database that is focused on journal articles and historical resources. Who Has Access to HeinOnline? Anyone can use HeinOnline in the ACLL. Small law firm members (under 60 attorneys) have remote access. How Do You Access HeinOnline? Go to the ACLL website, then to Databases, then select HeinOnline. Remote access requires the information on your library card. What Sorts of Materials Can You Find on HeinOnline? HeinOnline is an image-based system, which means that the items in HeinOnline look like searchable .pdfs. What Are Some of The Most Notable Databases in HeinOnline? The Law Journal Library is the most important collection. Other notable collections include the ABA Publications and the Bar Journals databases.

3 The Welcome Screen Main Search Bar Help includes chat, , a Knowledge Base, and Quimbee videos. Icon button to return to Welcome Screen Databases are organized by category and by name.

4 Homepage Within A Database
Note the information icon and the Quick Reference Guide Searches are limited to the Law Journal Library. You can get a list of journals in a particular subject. Scroll over icons to see what they mean Volume and cross-reference information

5 Main Screen Within an Individual Journal or Other Source
You can search in a resource or in the entire database. Expand an issue to see the article level.

6 Table of Contents and Page View
The image tool bar lets you download, print, and links. You can also page through the document. Your article in the context of the entire issue.

7 MyHein (1 of 4) Users can create MyHein accounts to save bookmarks and to set up Table of Contents alerts.

8 The MyHein bookmark symbol.
MyHein (2 of 4) The MyHein bookmark symbol.

9 An example of bookmarks in a MyHein account.
MyHein (3 of 4) An example of bookmarks in a MyHein account.

10 The link to set up an electronic Table of Contents alert.
MyHein (4 of 4) The link to set up an electronic Table of Contents alert.

11 Sample Search Remember to use ALL CAPS for Boolean operators.
The default search order is relevance. Searches results can be further limited.

12 Advanced Search Menu and Search Help

13 More Like This (1 of 2) More Like This is available in the Law Journal Library. It finds similar articles.

14 You can refine the More Like This search results.
More Like This (2 of 2) More Like This is available in the Law Journal Library. It finds similar articles. You can refine the More Like This search results.

15 Fastcase Integration (1 of 3)
Fastcase and HeinOnline have an agreement whereby HeinOnline contains links to cases from Fastcase.

16 Fastcase Integration (2 of 3)

17 Fastcase Integration (3 of 3)
CAVEAT/REMINDER: Fastcase’s Authority Check (featuring the Bad Law Bot) may identify cases that have been reversed or overturned, but it relies on computer algorithms to do so. In other words, the absence of a red flag in Fastcase does not necessarily mean that a case is still good law. You should still use a citatory such as Shepard’s or Keycite.

18 Searching Within an Individual Journal or Other Source
Remember that you can search within a particular resource, as well as within a database or across all HeinOnline content.

19 Author Pages

20 Scholar Check ScholarCheck lets you know how often an article has been accessed, cited by other articles, cited by cases, or cited in ALI publications.

21 You can build a citation using the Citation Navigator.
Search by Citation You can build a citation using the Citation Navigator.

22 Summary HeinOnline is not a comprehensive legal research tool like Westlaw and Lexis Advance. Its strengths are in the collection of legal periodicals, where it often has a greater scope of coverage than Westlaw or Lexis Advance. HeinOnline also provides an image-based system, where the original graphics, layout, and pagination are kept intact. When searching in HeinOnline, remember that Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) must be capitalized. Also remember the “More Like This” feature within the main Law Journal Library. HeinOnline has a special relationship with Fastcase that provides links to caselaw. Users should be aware that Fastcase does not have a robust citator similar to Shepard’s or Keycite. ScholarCheck provides citation information and Author Profiles provide background information on authors. Users can set up MyHein accounts to keep track of bookmarks as well as to set up eTOC alerts.

23 Thank you!

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