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Before Bell Rings Grab a paper From the Side Table Have Your Getting Charged WS out for me to Check Turn in Exciting Salts WS on front table.

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Presentation on theme: "Before Bell Rings Grab a paper From the Side Table Have Your Getting Charged WS out for me to Check Turn in Exciting Salts WS on front table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before Bell Rings Grab a paper From the Side Table Have Your Getting Charged WS out for me to Check Turn in Exciting Salts WS on front table

2 ETD # Draw the Bohr Model for an ion of Sodium (Na)

3 Ions

4 ETD Remember we are looking at the ion, not the neutral atom. This means the atom has either gained or lost electrons. Since the neutral atom of sodium has only one electron in its outer shell, it wants to lose this electron in order to get to a filled outer shell. This means there is only 10 electrons to fill with, 2 go in the first ring and 8 go in the second ring. Since it has one more proton than electron, the charge of the ion is 1+.

5 Learning Targets I can determine the electron configuration for a given element.

6 POGILs 3 Roles STOP at Stop Signs so I can ask some questions
Facilitator: Keeps group moving B/E Spokesperson: Raises hand, answers ?s C/F Reader: Reads aloud A/D STOP at Stop Signs so I can ask some questions

7 s orbital Sphere Holds 2 e-s Each energy level = sphere gets bigger
e- anywhere in sphere S orbital is a sphere centered on the nucleus. This is the area when the electron is likely to be found 95% of the time. Each s orbital holds 2 electrons. As the energy level increases, the spheres get bigger, enclosing (surrounding) the pervious level.

8 p Orbital Dumbbell shaped 3 different orientations
Each dumbbell holds 2 e-s p holds 6 e-s total Each energy level = dumbbells get bigger There three different orientations for the p orbital. The look kind of like dumbbells. One orientation has the dumbbells coming out of the top and bottom of the nucleus, one has the dumbbells coming out of the left and right of the nucleus, and one is coming out of the front and back. Each orientation can hold two electrons meaning each p orbital can hold 6 total electrons. Same as the s orbitals, as you move up in energy levels, the dumbbells get bigger, surrounding the previous p orbital.

9 d orbital Cloverleaf shaped 5 different orientations
Each cloverleaf holds 2 e-s d orbital holds 10 e-s total Each energy level = cloverleaf gets bigger Clover shaped mostly, one looks like a wonky doughnut with dumbbells coming out of it. 5 different orientations with 2 electrons in each = 10 electrons in the d orbital. As we move up energy levels, just like p and s, the next energy level encloses the previous shape but still looks the same.

10 f orbitals 7 different orientations Each orientation holds 2 e-s
f holds 14 e-s total Gets bigger with each energy level 7 different orientations, 5 look like conjoined (connected) clovers, 3 look like 2 doughnuts with a dumbbell. 7 orientations, each can hold 2, so 14 total electrons for f orbitals. Same as with the others, as you move up energy levels, each shape gets bigger, enclosing the previous levels.

11 Energy Levels First fill up lower energy levels, the move to higher. Each principal energy level can have multiple sublevels

12 Periodic Table Blocks Periodic table is organized into different blocks. The two columns on the left are the s block, meaning any element in that block will have its final electrons in the s orbital, any element in the right 6 columns will have its final electrons in the p orbital, same for the middle 10 columns being in the d orbital, and the offset table at the bottom will all be in the f orbital.

13 Periodic Table Blocks Start from the left and count to figure out how many are in that orbital. So if I am looking at sulfur, it is in the p block, 3 rows down, 4 over. So the final part of its electron configuration will be 3p4. Notice that the d and f orbitals don’t match up with the group numbers. D orbitals will be one less than the group number (number of rows down). F orbitals are two less than the group number. This is because the 3d orbitals have more energy than the 4s orbitals, so the 4s will fill first. The reason for the difference in energy levels is a little beyond the scope of this course, but has to do with the repulsion electrons feel between each other and their distance from the nucleus.

14 Learning Targets I can determine the electron configuration for a given element.

15 HW Electron Configuration POGIL- Due next class

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