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The scope and limitations for school principal action

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1 The scope and limitations for school principal action
What the local and global evidence point towards Martin Gustafsson Research on Socio-Economic Policy (ReSEP) University of Stellenbosch May 2019

2 GP 2016 (public): 2,083 principals
Primary (nothing above Gr 7) Secondary (nothing below Gr 8) Other Average school size % of learners Q1 198 85 22 1,048 16 Q2 153 73 20 1,159 14 Q3 375 152 47 868 24 Q4 283 157 60 965 Q5 232 155 71 1,011 23 937 1,091 943 983 100 57 33 10 Rest of SA 2016 (public): 21,546 principals Primary (nothing above Gr 7) Secondary (nothing below Gr 8) Other Average school size % of learners Q1 5,021 1,661 1,357 361 28 Q2 3,910 1,574 822 429 26 Q3 2,874 1,313 494 592 27 Q4 681 338 163 767 9 Q5 789 433 116 736 10 419 612 491 477 100 54 32 14

3 Reaching the speed limit despite everything
Likely explanations… CAPS Access to materials Assessments Abilities of younger teachers Pre-school participation Martin Gustafsson’s Take on Data

4 ± our secondary schools
The empirical evidence on ‘school autonomy’ (principal agency) Hanushek and Woessman ± our secondary schools Analysis ‘controls for’ several other school and home background variables. Yet even more rigorous analysis is needed to definitively determine cause and effect. H&W: Education quality and economic growth. ± our primary schools

5 The NDP is strong on principal agency (but also accountability to communities)
Gradually give principals more administrative powers as the quality of school leadership improves, including in financial management, the procurement of textbooks and other educational material, and human resources management. These delegations ensure that principals are held accountable for their schools. Provincial departments will remain the employer of educators, and wages will continue to be centrally determined. (p. 310) Externally administer and mark the ANA for at least one primary school grade to ensure that there is a reliable, system-wide measure of quality for all primary schools. This will serve as a snapshot of the health of the system and help authorities to develop targeted interventions. (p. 311) Construct a results-oriented framework of mutual accountability where districts are accountable for supporting schools, including the nature of the support they provide, the number of times they have visited each school and what they did during the visits. Schools also need to be accountable to education authorities for their overall performance on key indicators. (p. 311)

6 The puzzle of getting ‘national assessments’ right
Where ANA went wrong What we should do in future No policy on how to use results, based on an honest view of what the results could tell us, and what they could not. Have a policy on use and accountability which fits the data produced. Putting provincial/national monitoring in the same system as school/district monitoring. Accept more precise measurement of former, less precise of latter, especially i.t.o. progress over time. Assuming that classical scores using different tests can yield comparability over time. For the school-level system, run a small parallel ‘equating sample’, and provide IRT, not classical scores, to schools. Trying to ‘micro-manage’ every grade. NDP says focus on one grade. No communication packages for districts, schools and parents. NDP says we need these.

7 And what about strengthening powers of principals?
Highly political terrain – there are unions, and provincial and national tend to want direct power. But the NDP is with you. Areas for action within existing policies… choice of materials, discretion to decide on spending, HR management. Areas of policy reform… a learning focussed accountability framework, competency assessments for new appointees.

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