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Ightham Primary School

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1 Ightham Primary School
OAK Class Mrs Dix, Ms Glassock & Mrs Saville. Ightham Primary School

Important link between home and school. Homework and letters. Log-ins at the front. Signed daily by staff.

3 MEDICINES All prescribed medicines need to be taken to the school office by an adult – we cannot give the children medicines which have not been prescribed, e.g. cough sweets, calpol. Medication form to be completed 2x Inhalers / Epi-pens (one in office & one in class) to be in school at all times. Please send them into school in clear plastic boxes and ensure the box is clearly labelled. Allergies

4 TIMETABLE The weekly timetable will be displayed in the classroom and available on the class page of the website. Forest School – Monday afternoon this term starting next week. Need long sleeves to cover arms, long trousers to cover legs and wellies. We will go out in any weather. PE on a Tuesday afternoon. Swimming – Thursday afternoon this term, starting next week. 5 x 1 hour sessions.

Smart uniform is required everyday Wellingtons Long hair must be tied up During term time, P.E. kit should be in school everyday No nail polish If applicable – earrings, one set of plain studs (children must be able to remove their own earrings for PE lessons otherwise they cannot do PE)

Fruit / vegetables snacks for break times – labelled bags/boxes Milk Due to an increasing number of children suffering from nut allergies the school is nut free. Please ensure that all snacks and packed lunches do not contain any nuts.

7 THE SCHOOL DAY Staff are on duty from 8:35am – please no children on the playground earlier than this. -Bell rings at 8:50am -Children line up sensibly School day begins at 8:50am Play time at 10.45am Lunch at 12.20pm School day ends at 3.20pm

8 STATIONERY All stationery is provided by the school.
Y5 /6 may bring in fountain pens/frixion pens. Just book bags – no rucksacks.

9 MARKING Work will be marked against the specific Learning Objective (WALT) Pink for positive comments Green for next steps Spelling VF – verbal feedback

ASSESSMENT Throughout the year, formative assessments are carried out and each child’s progress is assessed against age-related expectations. Your child will therefore be in one of four broad bands for Reading, Writing and Maths: Below Age-Related Expectations Emerging Expected Exceeding BELOW AGE-RELATED EXPECTATIONS EMERGING EXPECTED EXCEEDING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The expectation is that your child would be in the “Emerging” band at the start of the school year. This is because the curriculum for that year would not yet have been taught to your child. By the end of the school year, the expectation would be that your child would be in the “Expected” band. “Expected” means that your child is working at the expected level for a child of that age. Parent Consultations will take place in Terms 1 and 4. End of Year Reports are sent home in July

11 BEHAVIOUR Class Rules (decided by the children and based on the code of conduct and School/Woodland rules) Individual rewards: Verbal praise; house points. Table points for their table groups. Consequences: verbal warning; last out to play to allow for a conversation between adult and child; then on to break time lost. Parents informed if a serious offence or repeated action.

12 READING Reading books Your child is responsible for changing his / her book when needed. Please use the reading section in the Home-School Contact Book to note down which page your child has read to and any difficulties. Weekly Library visits.

13 15 minutes daily reading independently
HOMEWORK Reading 15 minutes daily reading independently Every day n/a Spellings 5 minutes per day Monday English and Maths 30 minutes each Friday Wednesday X Tables 5 minutes daily Tested every week Spellings will come home in the new spelling books – children to complete look, read, cover and write exercises across the week and any of the activities of their choice from the front page. Activities will also be set on Purple Mash when there are games/quizzes related to that week’s spelling patterns, e.g. next week is homophones. Purple Mash log-ins in the front of contact books. Maths/English Homework will be clipped into Home-School Contact books or set online. Times tables can also be practised on the website and maths activities through mathletics. Log-ins can be found in the front of contact books.

14 ABSENCE Please notify the school by telephone before 8.50am
If your child has been sick or had diarrhoea, they must be kept home for a minimum of 48 hours after the last occurrence If your child arrives after the register has been taken, please ensure you sign them in at the school office

15 A chance for your child to share his / her work with you.
DROP IN Tuesday 3.25pm – 3.40pm A chance for your child to share his / her work with you.

16 MOBILE PHONES Mobile phone is taken to the office at the beginning of the day where it is signed in. Only collected at the end of the school day (3.20pm) and signed out. We have discussed with the children about not using it on school grounds.

17 WALKING HOME ALONE Permission is needed in writing – on a separate piece of paper rather than in contact books please. Please state if this applies to particular days and whether you are happy for them to walk down from clubs at 4.15pm or whether you will collect them from school at this time.

18 VOLUNTEERING Volunteer meeting on Monday 16th September at 9am with Miss Avery. Reading with KS1 children meeting on Thursday 19th September at 9am with Mrs Johnson.

19 11 PLUS English and Maths Papers Break
Reasoning Papers (Verbal, Spatial & Non-Verbal) Lunch Writing activity All stationery provided. May bring in a mascot no larger than the palm of their hand. Top tips: Read the instructions at the bottom of the page where it says “Please turn over” until it says “Stop”. Listen carefully to time limits as parts of the reasoning paper are 4/5 minutes long for certain sections of questions.


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