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1 Personal presentation
NGECE Nicholas DETRA Africa IPROMO Landscape approach for enhancing mountain resilience Pieve Tesino /Ormea July 2019

2 Employment and main activities
Education Certificate in Trainer of Trainers in Planning and Management, Wageningen University, Netherlands (2006) Master of Science, Conservation studies. in Kenya. University of Nairobi, Kenya. , Bachelor of Science, Natural Resources Management. Egerton University, Kenya Employment and main activities From May 2016 to-date, Consultant- Programme Design, Management, MEAL and Resource Mobilization Specialist- DETRA- Africa Consulting - Project Design and Development for Government and NGO programmes. Fundraising and MEAL specialist for clients. -Detailed feasibility reporting, Design and implementation of Climate Change, Agriculture and Enterprise projects in Africa; Fundraising specialist for clients, over USD 2M raised for various clients on Environment, Enterprise and Development. 2011 to 2016, Regional Programmes Manager/ Development Adviser at Embassy of Sweden/SIDA. - Management of a Donor granting mechanism in Humanitarian, Natural Resources, climate change, and infrastructure development sectors.

3 Other interests (volunteer work, hobbies etc.)
From October Member of the UNDP SGP Technical Advisory Committee to advice UNDP Kenya Small Grants Programme on funding and programme development for Kenya. : Team Leader/ Lead consultant for UN Habitat, study on Joint Initiative on Financing for Resilient and Green Urban Global Solutions in Africa in 5 major African cities. 2017 Finalist: ACUMEN Fellowship on Social Entrepreneurship in East Africa. : Part-time Programme Design Specialist for Centre for Research in Environment Kenya. Design, develop and commissioning development projects. 2009: Consultant on ESIA, African Development Bank Gibe Dam Project, Ethiopia. 2009: Consultant, GIBB Africa/ KENGEN, Kenya for World Bank and Japanese Development Bank ; Project Ecologist and ESIA expert for various projects. 2009: Winner, Sukuma Africa Awards on Social Entrepreneurship/ Millennium Development Goals at the World Social Forum- Cape Town, South Africa 2009: Winner, International Prize, 2008 Bid Network Challenge, Netherlands, 2008: Finalist, 2007 UNEP Seed Awards on entrepreneurship 2017: Finalist Ashoka Fellows in Social Enterprise 2001: Recipient University of California, Davis Scholarship to undertake Masters Degree.

4 Ecosystem Based Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Mt Kenya East Forest Ecosystem through promotion of a natural resource based economy The Mt Kenya East Forest is on the windward side of Mt Kenya. The region lies between agro-ecological zones , characterized by rainfall of between and and temperatures of between and. The ecosystem is named after and hosts Mt. Kenya, a Biosphere Reserve UNESCO World Heritage Site (ref……….). It should be conserved for provision of global ecosystem services, such as wildlife conservation, water, carbon sink and climate regulation. A ten year comprehensive management plan for conservation of Mt. Kenya Ecosystem was developed by KWS, KFS, KEFRI, WRMA and NEMA with participation of stakeholders. The Plan came into force in 2010 and has 7 management programmes.

5 Objectives 1. To document climate-related impacts and vulnerabilities of communities in 3 counties of the Mt. Kenya East ecosystem 2. To promote landscape scale Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) as a cost-effective and low-risk approach for building climate resilience over large rural landscapes that surround a protected area. 3. To mobilize and equip local communities to rehabilitate degraded forests and wetlands in order to restore eco-system services, based on wise-use principles and guidelines. 4. To build the capacity (institutional strengthening) of the various actors in the ecosystem to be able to implement EbA activities.

6 Presentation of a project you are working on 3/3
Activities 1.1 .1Conduct baseline surveys of specific climate- related impacts and vulnerabilities of communities in selected counties of the ecosystem. 2.1.1 Create awareness of EbA amongst policy makers and communities through meetings 2.1.2 Pilot the application of EbA in selected areas of the Mt. Kenya East Ecosystem and assess its suitability as a low risk approach for building climate resilience over large rural landscapes while meeting the management objectives of a protected area

7 Activities cont’d 3.1.1 Incorporate sustainable land management practices and reforestation in support of resilient agricultural practices 3.1.2 Develop alternative natural resource based livelihoods for communities living in high potential zones of Mt Kenya East region so as to reduce the utilization pressure exerted on the natural forests and wetlands. 3.1.3 Strengthen the climate information and early warning systems that support the communities to make climate-resilient decisions. 3.1.4 Supporting initiatives around climate adaptation and mitigation as well as those addressing Ecosystem based Adaptation

8 Thank for your attention!

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