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Australian Civilian Military Cooperation

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1 Australian Civilian Military Cooperation
Office of Health Protection Australian Government Department of Health

2 Governance Structures
COAG Health Council Where Australian Government Department of Health fits into Australian Government and state and territory government structures. Five Standing Committees Monday Global Health Security

3 The Joint External Evaluation (JEE) and National Action Plan for Health Security
Monday Global Health Security

4 National Health Emergency Management Standing Committee (NHEMS)
Governance Structures– NatHealth Arrangements NatHealth Arrangements Emergency Plans National Medical Stockpile Australian Health Protection Principal Committee National Incident Room SSBA Regulatory Scheme Public Health Laboratory Network (PHLN) How the Office of Health Protection and jurisdictions are organised for health emergency response arrangements which consider health security incidents. Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre National Health Emergency Management Standing Committee (NHEMS) Environmental Health Standing Committee (enHealth) Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Standing Committee (BBVSS) Monday Global Health Security

5 National Health Emergency Response Arrangements
Enablers Australian Health Protection Principal Committee National Health Emergency Management Standing Committee Australia Medical Assistance Teams Disaster Mental Health Working Group Public Health Laboratory Network Australian Bioterrorism Laboratory Network Communicable Disease Network Australia Environmental Health Committee National Medical Stockpile National Incident Room National Critical Care Trauma Response Centre Australian Emergency Hospital Response Domestic Response Plan for Mass Casualty Incidents of National Consequence AUSTRAUMAPLAN Health Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Incidents of National Consequence Plan CBRNPLAN Emergency Response Plan for Communicable Diseases and Environmental Health Threats of National Significance CDPLAN Chemical Guidelines Pandemic Influenza Radiological Guidelines Smallpox Guidelines Anthrax Guidelines 4

6 Medical Countermeasures Civilian Military Initiatives
CBR context Domestic with DSTG and DMTC International with public health and defence science and technology agencies Building on R&D through ADM Aim to benefit the war fighter and civilian populations through development of innovative countermeasures and leveraging existing programs Major focus on S&T antimicrobial resistance, rapid diagnostics, pathogen security, and other relevant CBR countermeasures Public health laboratory strengthening initiatives including ABLN Monday Global Health Security

7 AUSMAT and NCCTRC for regional deployment
The NCCTRC is involved in the Australian Government’s disaster and emergency medical responses to incidents of national and international significance. Provides training and coordination of health professionals for deployment in the event of emergencies, and also maintains a fully equipped, rapidly deployable field hospital (AUSMAT). Volunteers consisting of broad range of skill sets from states and territories are drawn from for AUSMAT deployment which can include flood and earthquake medical assistance and a developing capability for traditional public health support Monday Global Health Security

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