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U. S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: Doc Holliday died at the age of 35

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1 U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: Doc Holliday died at the age of 35. The gun fighting dentist died from tuberculosis in a sanitarium in Glenwood Springs, CO Montana became the 41st U.S. state Adolf Hitler made his first attempt at seizing power in Germany with a failed coup in Munich that came to be known as the "Beer Hall Putsch.“ The Civil Works Administration was created by executive order by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt During World War II, Operation Torch began as U.S. and British forces landed in French North Africa After turning down 18,000 names, the Ford Motor Company decided to name their new car the "Edsel," after Henry Ford's only son In Florida, a statewide recount began to decide the winner of the 2000 U.S. presidential election. BELL WORK: #12 PICK-UP & READ THE HANDOUT WWI BEGINS. DO NOT WRITE ON THE WORKSHEET. COMPLETE QUESTIONS #1-6. PLACE ANSWERS IN BW SECTION. AGENDA: (0-2:50) DISCUSSION & QUESTIONS: THE GREAT WAR COMPLETE & CHECK WWI BEGINS ACTIVITY 2.6. COMPLETE ASSESSMENT/EXIT TICKET. HOMEWORK: 2.7 VIDEO/NOTES DUE FRIDAY. WORK ON UNIT VOCABULARY

2 Objective 2.6 Assessment/Exit Ticket #
While WWI raged in Europe most Americans wanted to remain (1) ___________ because they were against joining a war 3,000 miles away. Americans started to turn against Germany when German (2) _____ began sinking ships like the (3) ___________, killing over 100 Americans. Another step towards war occurred when the (4) _____ was intercepted revealing a proposed alliance between Germany and (5)_____. President (6)_____ finally decided to enter the war declaring that “The world must be made safe for (7) __________.” Did Germany push America into WWI? Defend your decision by providing at least two supporting details.

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