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SDMX Global Conference Francesco Rizzo – ISTAT, Italy

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1 SDMX Global Conference Francesco Rizzo – ISTAT, Italy
Budapest September 2019 “SDMX in Istat: from data reporting to data dissemination” Francesco Rizzo – ISTAT, Italy

2 SDMX implementation strategy in Istat
REPORTING NA, LCI, STS, etc. STES SDDS Plus OPEN DATA RDF Data Cube DCAT (CKAN) JSON CSV METADATA UMS: Structural Reference SDMX Architecture DISSEMINATION SEP (SDMX API) I.STAT INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Lao Tunisia Macedonia Serbia Lebanon CARICOM NATIONAL STATISTICAL SYSTEM Hub of the Public Statistics Codelists: 1393 Conceptschemes: 239 DSDs: 1252 DFs: 423

3 The Hub of the public statistics
SDMX within the National Statistical System The Hub of the public statistics Improve data quality within the NSS Support the “semantic interoperability” as detailed by the Digital Agenda at European and National level Facilitate open (statistical)data at national level Facilitate the standardization and modernization of the dissemination information systems in the Public Administrations International standards (SDMX, DCAT (*), etc.) metadata-drive processes data warehousing Sharing best practices developed at international and national level (*) DCAT_AP_IT The components of the project Governance: who publish what Quality (guided by the European Code of Practice / Quality Assurance Framework) Principle 13: Timeliness and Punctuality Principle 14: Coherence and Comparability Principle 15: Accessibility and Clarity Metadata harmonization IT architecture Distributed databases Single access point for end users (Hub)

4 SISTAN Hub project – architecture
Data stored in a distributed environment accessible by a single point through an advanced Web GUI Data are not stored centrally but fetched from the data producers’ databases upon request of the data users Data users can access and compare harmonized datasets Datasets of different data producers can be categorized in the same theme tree, or Navigate among theme trees that refer to specific peripheral nodes

5 The strategic project on dissemination
It will be the key reference for guiding strategic decisions on dissemination in the next 2 years: Standardize and industrialize the dissemination business process Migrate the current dissemination system (I.Stat) to a platform metadata-driven, SDMX-based Harmonize the structure metadata within the dissemination system with the metadata defined at corporate level (Unified Metadata System) Satisfy national guidelines (Open Data and Digital Agenda): SDMX towards LOD (RDF Data cube) Digital catalogues (DCAT) Other open data formats (XML, CSV, JSON) Open Data and the National Digital Agenda The Digital Agenda for Europe is conceived as one of the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy adopted by the Commission. Published in May 2010, it sets out to define the key enabling role that the use of ICTs will have to play if Europe wants to succeed in its ambitions for 2020 The “Agency for the digital Italy” (Agid) is a reference authority within the European Union for the development at national level of the Digital Agenda through the promotion of guidelines and development of specific projects Guidelines on Open Data (SDMX is suggested as one of the standards to be used) Management of Open Data catalogues (CKAN with API 3 and RDF with DCAT-AP_IT)

6 Unified Metadata System
The new dissemination architecture Others Production Systems Apps Unified Metadata System Official website SDMX-ML SDMX-ML Data Explorer DMR LOD DDB SDMX API M2M SDMX-ML or CSV CKAN API DMR: Dissemination Metadata Repository DDB: Dissemination Data Base

7 Collaborative software development

8 SDMX Istat Toolkit – Excel2CSV

9 SDMX Istat Toolkit – Meta and Data Manager
Structural metadata Dissemination/Reporting databases Reference metadata Digital Catalogues (DCAT) How to use the Meta & Data Manager Metadata Management System, to develop and maintain: structural metadata reference metadata, including Digital Catalogs (DCAT) nomenclature servers and glossaries as GUI for the Global, Eurostat, IMF, etc. SDMX registries Reporting system Push and pull Enhanced for global data collections (e.g. National Accounts, SDG, etc.) Dissemination System Database builder (using SDMX DSDs) CSV and SDMX data loader Dataflow builder (including Content Constraints management) Embargo management

10 SDMX Istat Toolkit - Data Browser


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