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The structure of the letter

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1 The structure of the letter
Chapters 1 to 7, contain Paul’s explanation of his conduct and apostolic ministry; Chapters 8 and 9, deal with the collection for the saints at Jerusalem; and Chapters 10 to 13, which form Paul’s defence of his apostolic authority.

2 Themes in the letter 2 Corinthians 1 to 9
“I must rejoice” and “comfort in the midst of affliction” 2 Corinthians 10 to 13 “I must boast” and “strength in the midst of weakness”

3 2 Corinthians 10:1-11:15 Paul’s Defence
2 Corinthians 10:1-11:15 Paul’s Defence! Concerning his conduct and authority

HIS MEEKNESS AND GENTLENESS (1-2) some people in the church misread Paul's humility when he was with them as weakness meekness and gentleness as a true servant of Jesus should not be confused with timidity SPIRITUAL WARFARE (3-6) We are in a spiritual battle and this requires spiritual weapons

5 Only Spiritual weapons have the divine power to:
Demolish strongholds (4) Demolish arguments and every pretension that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (5) Capture every thought to make it obedient to Christ (5)

6 Spiritual Warfare

TO THOSE WHO JUDGE ON OUTWARD APPEARANCE (7-11) If his converts could be persuaded that he lacked apostolic credentials, they would cease to believe his teaching. Paul does not discourage the testing of credentials but casts doubt on the criteria the Corinthians were using

TO THOSE WHO BOAST OF THEIR ACCOMPLISHMENTS (12-18) These people establish their own conduct as the standard. And then they boast in always measuring up to that standard. Jeremiah 9:24 & 1 Corinthians 1:31 The only legitimate boasting we can do is in what Jesus Christ has done for us, what He is doing in us and through us. Self-commendation is in fact disqualification.

9 "FOOLISH BOASTING" (11:1-15) Paul does this…
OUT OF CONCERN FOR THEIR FAITHFULNESS (1-6) Of his godly jealousy for them, especially as they are in danger

10 Bride = church. Groom = Jesus!

11 "FOOLISH BOASTING" (11:1-15) Paul does this…
OUT OF CONCERN FOR THEIR FAITHFULNESS (1-6) Of his godly jealousy for them, especially as they are in danger Of your willingness to receive, listen to and believe those who offer a corrupted Gospel, a different Jesus and Spirit.

12 The Garden of Eden

13 "FOOLISH BOASTING" (11:1-15) Paul does this…
OUT OF CONCERN FOR THEIR FAITHFULNESS (1-6) Of his godly jealousy for them, especially as they are in danger Of your willingness to receive, listen to and believe those who offer a corrupted Gospel, a different Jesus and Spirit. Of his claim to not be inferior to these so-called “super-apostles”

14 "FOOLISH BOASTING" (11:1-15) Paul does this…
OUT OF CONCERN FOR THEIR FAITHFULNESS (1-6) BECAUSE OF BEING COMPARED WITH FALSE APOSTLES (7-15) 1 Corinthians 9:3-18 The issue concerning the matter of financial remuneration (7-12) These boasters are "false apostles“ (13-15)

15 You and me As leaders, how are we leading?
Who do we follow? Who’s teaching do we listen to and believe? The standard we are called to is Jesus Christ, be holy as I am holy! What are you doing to protect the purity of God’s church here at Northside?

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