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Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D

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Presentation on theme: "Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D"— Presentation transcript:

1 Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D
Mark Milton FCIPD NPCC Lead for Learning and Development Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D

2 Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D
Mobilising the future Delivering today Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D

3 Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D
Use of the new tools National Influence Establishing the needs of the future. Explore and apply new technology Develop our training culture and trainers capability Operation Uplift Mobilising the future Bringing core delivery up to date. Delivering today Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D

4 In practical terms A time for collaboration Push for capacity
Use our partnership links with HE. Innovate: e.g. digital learning Evolve the skills of the learning teams Harmonisation of the Transformation and Leadership of L&D

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