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On-the-spot student performance analysis through visualization

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Presentation on theme: "On-the-spot student performance analysis through visualization"— Presentation transcript:

1 On-the-spot student performance analysis through visualization
American University of Beirut Wissam Nahas – eLearning Manager

2 Our Objective Help instructor and administration track student weekly performance during semesters Give immediate feedback or advising in advance Non-performant students require guidance or advising sessions in advance Feedback at the end of the semester is not effective for recovery implementation Loss of course learning outcomes

3 Course Logs Moodle is powerful in gathering detailed logs within a course. The logs include: time, user’s full name, affected user, event context, event name, description, IP address, ...

4 Log Limitations The logs are detailed but not readable
The data is tabular It lacks visualization Visuals are expressive


6 Work Flow

7 Analytic Tool Feed logs extracted from Moodle into analytic tool
Generate visuals Through analysis of data based on the problem tackled Charts help visualize patterns in data

8 Visuals Patterns can be seen in behavior, performance, access, interactions, posting, submissions, navigation, and level of engagement Visuals can be of different kinds depending on the data

9 Visuals Implemented Participation is based on behavior in events and navigation to different events. Contribution is based on posting to the forum and submissions of assignments and quizzes.

10 Programming language for statistical computing and graphics

11 Advantages Flexible Free Easy access User - friendly

12 Instructor Point of View
Tracking progress Tracking contribution Monitoring participation Catching cheating in exams

13 Live Demo

14 What’s Next? Synchronization between Moodle and the Analytic Tool
Incorporate more visuals depending on instructor need and data analysis Implement cheating detection Apply machine learning to predict student Grade

15 Thank You!

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