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Teaching Assistant – Miss Lee

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1 Teaching Assistant – Miss Lee
Year 1 Hummingbird Class Teacher – Miss Bell Teaching Assistant – Miss Lee

2 Writing English lessons will be taught around key text. This then links into our topic work. This terms key text will be ‘The Jolly Postman’ By the end of year 1 children will be able to independently write sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. They will also be able to extend these sentences by use and, because, so etc. An English overview for each week can be found in Owl Organiser Children will be taught to form letters cursively to help them join in Year 2.


4 Reading Your child will learn HOW to read during
Guided reading sessions in class. This will be through whole class teaching and carousel activities. These are skills which will then be practiced at Home. We want children to enjoy reading and Sharing books with you! Children are EXPECTED to read at least 3x a week at home.

5 VIPERS Some examples of questions to support these skills - this can be found in the VIPERS pack

6 Spellings Spellings will come home at the beginning of each term in your child’s contact wallet Spellings will be differentiated in 2 groups Spelling tests take place first thing on a Friday morning If you misplace your spellings please ask for a new copy OR visit our website class page.

7 Phonics Phonics sessions will take place daily
Children will work in groups alongside both myself and Miss Lee Weekly sounds being covered will be in Owl Organiser each week

8 Maths A maths overview for each week can be found in Owl Organiser
This term we are focusing on number recognition as well as adding and subtracting numbers to 20 We follow the build it, draw it, solve it approach


10 In Year 1 children are EXPECTED to…
Homework In Year 1 children are EXPECTED to… Read ATLEAST 3x a week Learn their Spellings During term 2 children will receive a My Maths log in with optional homework challenges linked to current learning. (More information to follow this term) A homework overview will come home each term with activities linked to our current topic. This are OPTIONAL for you to complete at home with your child

11 PE Children will have PE every Monday and Wednesday.
PE kits will be kept in school at all times PE kits will be sent home at the end of every short term to be washed In their PE kit children will need… White t-shirt Blue shorts Trainers/ Plimsolls

12 Values

13 General Reminders Owl Organiser Contact Books
Water Bottles/ Snack/ Milk Uniform- uniform is now red and grey- no navy or blue summer dresses should be worn Calendar- website


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