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SDG Impact report 2nd October 2019.

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1 SDG Impact report 2nd October 2019

2 Why present data in relation to SDGs?
Influence: showing contributions to goals of others (donors, governments, private sector) Coherent global story: small number of shared measures Learn and improve: see what works best to contribute to specific SDG targets/outcomes, to encourage greater replication/adaptation – e.g. Learning Behind Numbers Accountability: Global progress towards global targets, that were always deliberately aligned with SDGs Positioning: Don’t think any other multi-mandate INGO can do this (yet!)

3 Where do the numbers from from?
PIIRS IMPACT data (validated) FY15 to end of FY18 Evidence reported under the 25 global indicators and/or supplementary indicators Evidence of impact from advocacy/influencing (AIIR tools) Evidence that comes from external evaluations or from solid internal systems that track outcomes or contribution to change

4 Relating CARE’s indicators to the SDG Indicators
1 – Int’l Pov Line: SDG 1.1.1 2 – Nat’l Pov Line: SDG 1.2.1 3 - Basic Services: SDG 1.4.1 13 – FIES: SDG 2.1.2 14 – Stunting: SDG 2.2.1 Supplementary FNS indicators 6 – mCPR: SDG 3.7.1 7 – SBA: SDG 3.1.2 8 - ABR: SDG 3.7.2 Supplementary SRMH indicators 9 – SRH dcsn’s: SDG 5.6.1 10 – IPV attitudes 11 - IPV experience: SDG 5.2.1 12 – SGBV: SDG 5.2.2 Supplementary LFFV indic’s 16a/b – Women’s $ inclusion 17 – HH $ decisions 19 – Participation (women)

5 18 – Group Membership VSLAs (men AND women) Supplementary WEE indic’s 4 – Humanitarian Assistance 5 – Satisfaction 13 – Climate resilience cpcities 21 – Actions to reduce risk 19 – Participation (men AND women) 20 – Policy+ change


7 What are the key messages from the report?
It is really important for NGOs to be talking about the difference they make (“impact”) and not only the scale of their work (“reach”) – and the SDGs are a good framework for this CARE and Partners are contributing to the SDGs (it is contribution, not attribution) Projects often contribute to more than one SDG (55.6m sum vs 46.7m max) Our evidence shows stronger contribution to SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13 and 16, but that is not all we do. There is more contribution that we could show for future years, towards SDGs 4 (education), 6 (water), 10 (inequality) & 17 (partnership) While gender is reported specifically under SDG 5, all our work aims to promote gender equality – CARE believes gender equality is essential for all of the SDGs (e.g. women’s empowerment evidence for reducing stunting in SHOUHARDO, Bangladesh)

8 Lessons Good enough, is good enough: not all CARE indicators map perfectly to SDG indicators, but can usually map to SDG targets: Humanitarian Assistance rather than loss of life or economic loss (SDG /11.5.2) Numbers – size or significance? Currently only show largest numbers, but need also to include cases where high % of population with impact (e.g. >10% in Vanuatu & Malawi) Customizable: If need to, can provide editable Word document, so you can highlight your project/country/regional/CMP examples, from global impact data to end FY18

9 Recommendations to CARE teams
Keep looking for impact data/evidence of change that your project/country may have not yet reported to PIIRS. Have a dialogue around the report and SDGs in your country teams: what does this report mean in your context? Look at what other INGOs or SDG platforms may be reporting on their contribution to the SDGs: we want to continue learning from others!

10 See more: Blog by Jay & Sofia – here SDG Impact report – English, French, Spanish SDG group on Workplace – here SDG Indicators - here

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