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Lab #2 Neighborhood Complaint

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1 Lab #2 Neighborhood Complaint
Assigned: Feb. 1 Due: Feb. 15 Points: 30

2 Problem The Complaint:
A Community group in Metro Toronto has been complaining that access to public parks is biased towards affluent neighborhoods

3 Task Find evidences to either support the complaint or disapprove the complaint

4 Key Components Access public parks is biased towards affluent neighborhoods

5 Key Concepts Wealth of Neighborhood Accessibility

6 Variables Wealth of Neighborhood Income Accessibility
Distance to Parks

7 Definition Wealth (4.1) Rich if income >= average income
Poor if income < average income Accessibility to parks (4.2) Close if distance <= average distance Far if distance > average distance

8 Data EA Data and Locations (EA_Data) Park Locations (Parks)

9 Get statistic information
In lab #2, we need get some basic statistic information, such as “the number of Eas, or estimated household average income”. There are two ways to do this: Have your base map opened, go from “QueryCalculate Statistics” Use “SQL Select” Method 1 Method 2

10 Create Park Concentration Regions
Make the cosmetic layer editable Use screen digitizing to create 5 park regions

11 Change Table Structure
Change the structure of your park concentration region table by adding two more fields: X_centroid Y_centroid You will also need to change the structure of the EA table to hold the distance from EA to each park concentration region (4.2.2)

12 Update Table (park) Update the centroid information of the park concentration region table When update column values, be sure that the “Table to Update” and “Column to Update” are the ones that you want to update

13 Update Table (EA) You will also need to update EA table to hold the distance from EA to each park concentration region (4.2.2) When update column values, be sure that the “Table to Update” and “Column to Update” are the ones that you want to update

14 Tool Manger From main menu, go from “ToolsTool Manager”, loaded ”North Arrow, Scale Bar” if you want to add them in your final layout It is easy to manage them in the layout than in the map window

15 Change the Point Display Style
The default display style for a point in MapInfo is a hollow square “MapLayer Control”, Select the layer that you want to change the display style, click on display, a “Display Options” window pops up Check “Style Override”, then click the symbol, you should be able to change the display

16 Add Legends When you create a thematic map, MapInfo will create a default legend for you. There are two ways to add additional legends: In the layout window, use “Drawing” Or you can go from “MapCreate Legend” Method 1 Method 2

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