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Listening for Openings. Amplifying Change

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1 Listening for Openings. Amplifying Change
Jeff Chang, Ph.D., R.Psych. Athabasca University & Calgary Family Therapy Centre Day 3: July 19, 2019

2 Guess What Day It Is!

3 Questioning for Exceptions
Pick up where you left off with the same “client” and “counsellor”. Do a brief catch up “out of character” to reconstruct your last exchange Counsellor: Start by asking, “Is a little bit of this miracle happening already?” – exceptions Client: Answer in the affirmative. Be true to the scenario as to whether the exceptions are random or intentional

4 Questioning for Exceptions
Counsellor: If the client identifies random exceptions, ask them to be on the lookout for when things are better If the client identifies intentional exceptions, ask them to do more of what they’ve been doing Consultant: Stand by to provide assistance

5 Well-Formed Goals They are described in social interactional terms.
They have contextual or situational features. They are described as including the presence of some behavior(s) or the start of something rather than the end of something. They are small rather than large. They are salient to the client and, through negotiation, salient to the therapist.

6 How to Develop Goals Listen for what clients are already doing that seems in line with their preferences. Amplify the description. Ask “What will you/they/he/she be doing instead?” Listen for hypothetical solutions that are clearly described. Ask what client might to do more of it.

7 How to Develop Goals If working with a family, elicit a description of a joint exception or hypothetical solution. Give the “project” a name they can agree on. Ask about one small thing one or more people can do differently If someone predominantly blames others, provides lots of empathy and acknowledgement, and ask: “In the face of all this, are there some times when do think you’ve let yourself down?”

8 How to Develop Goals “In the face of all this, are there some times when do think you’ve let yourself down?” “In all of this mess, has there been an occasion when you think you have not lived up to your own standards?” “With all this stress, have your slipped and done something that you regret?” “In the face of all this, what would your best self do?”

9 Well-Formed Goals They are described in specific, concrete, and in behavioral terms. They are described in terms of positive indicators of success rather than as the absence of problems. They are both realistic and achievable. They may be perceived by the client as involving “hard work” on his/her part.

10 Short Exercise….. The Hug Exercise One speaker and one interviewer.
Some time after you leave the workshop (whether it is tonight or Sunday evening) you will go home and hug someone. The speaker will describe the actions leading up to the meeting with the first person you will hug after you get home The interviewer will ask the speaker questions about this…. by taking at least 5 minutes to help the speaker describe the 5 minutes leading up the hug.

11 During the demo, watch for:
Questions… During the demo, watch for: Skills, questions, and sequences Exceptions Are there any? Are they vague/general or detailed/specific? Random or intentional?

12 During the demo, watch for:
Questions… During the demo, watch for: What is the relationship (visiting, complainant, customer – and for what?) What is the client passionate about/motivated for? What can you compliment the client on? Take notes

13 Homer’s Therapeutic Compliments (:40)

14 Listening for Openings

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