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LEARNER’S GUIDE 360Learning is an online training platform aiming at building learning communities around Web-based practices. This guide will walk you.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNER’S GUIDE 360Learning is an online training platform aiming at building learning communities around Web-based practices. This guide will walk you."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNER’S GUIDE 360Learning is an online training platform aiming at building learning communities around Web-based practices. This guide will walk you through the main features of the platform.  Let’s start your digital learning journey!    Version 1.7

2 1. Program registration Click on Start the program upon receiving the registration   to access the platform:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 1

3 2. Sign up Fill in your information and set up a password to create your account, then click on Lets’ go:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 2

4 3. Program overview Welcome to your training page! Click on Start the Program whenever you’re ready to launch the first course:   360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 3

5 4. Course overview Your training program comprises multiple courses. Click on Start to launch the first activity:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 4

6 5. Human interactions are the core of learning
Each activity comes with a forum on which you can interact. You can tag fellow learners (use the key before their name) and use Reactions:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 5

7 6. Setting up your profile
Go over your profile picture and click on My Settings to edit your profile:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 6

8 7. Accessing learning analytics
Hover over your profile picture and click on My Results to access your personal dashboard:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 7

9 8. Interacting within the learning community
You can access your training community via the Groups box on the Homepage. Here, you can post messages and comment on previous publications:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 8

10 9. Accessing completed programs
You want to go over a program again? Hover over your profile picture and click on My Results. Click on the eye-shaped icon to re-enter the program:  360Learning - Learner’s Guide - Page 9

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