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Scorm, LTI, HTML5, H5P & Moodle

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1 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, H5P & Moodle
James Roberts Dawson College, Montreal, Canada MoodleMoot US Philadelphia, September 2019 “New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too). Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.” Steve Jobs, April 2010, Thoughts on Flash

2 Summary Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle A B C D E 1 Some Background
HTML & HTML5 B Scorm Packages C Summary H5P & LTI D Final Thoughts E 1 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle

3 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle
Some Background Economics/Statistics in Canada/Europe (college/university) Equivalent of 12th Grade, 1st year University (Cegep) Paul Romer/Aplia & Flash Textbooks/$$$ Programming skills Computer “pop-up” labs Directed audience? 2 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle

4 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle
HTML & HTML5 1999: HTML 4.01, Javascript, CSS 2009: HTML5 & Javascript Canvas Video, Audio requestAnimationFrame speech to text Asynchronous/Client-Server Some HTML5 Examples 3 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle

5 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle
Scorm Packages in Moodle Scorm 1.2 API (2001) Moodle plug-in iFrame Through API: -Name, gradebook, closing date, # of attempts Single zipped file, standalone, simple manifest Adobe Captivate, Storyline Articulate 4 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle

6 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle
h5p uses xAPI (2013); LRS Moodle plug-in, iFrame or embedded Through plug-in, can create content Interactive Video – dates, controlling attempts (formative) vs (SaaS) LTI = Learning Tools Interoperability External Tool plug-in, requires verification Pipeline between Moodle and other website Textbook websites & h5p 5 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle

7 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle
Some Final Thoughts Moodle as open-source structure for access to HTML5 content principal/agent problem Potential of HTML5 and javascript Question Bank Review Quiz/Recording Student Interaction 6 Scorm, LTI, HTML5, h5p & Moodle

8 Thanks for your attention!
James Roberts Dawson College, Montreal, Canada

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