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Week 8 Language Arts.

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1 Week 8 Language Arts

2 Homework Regular ELA – Components of a Sentence (Due Friday) Honors ELA – Adjectives vs. Adverbs (Due Friday)

3 Monday 1.) Bell Ringer: How is poetry different from fiction & nonfiction? 2.) Guided Instruction: How do we read a poem? 3.) Introduction to poem “Eating Poetry” 4.) Comparing Interpretations Learning goal: Students will analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme.

4 Step #1 Show no fear. Will I understand everything on the first reading? No! Is this okay? Yes!

5 Step #2 Read the title then stop! Why? I need to pause and anticipate what this poem will be about.

6 Step #3 Read the poem all the way through.

7 Step #4 Annotate This means that you need to circle important words and draw a picture of each stanza (or summarize it in your own word).

8 Step #5 Use a dictionary to look up the meaning of important words.
Why? Sometimes important words can have double meanings and they help create the tone of the poem.

9 Step #6 Identify the speaker Why? The speaker’s tone will impact the reader’s mood and overall theme of the poem.

10 Step #7 Notice figurative language and shifts and changes in TONE.
Key words that signal a shift in tone could include; but, however, yet, despite, contrary. Shifts in tone can also be created by the speaker’s figurative language.

11 Step #8 Figure out the structure This includes rhyme scheme, meter (beat), and the physical layout of the text (any white space or shapes?)

12 Step #9 Read the poem again (out loud). Determine how each stanza’s image illuminates the topic. What is the overall theme.

13 Diction of Poetry Term Definition Topic Subject of poem Example: Love
Speaker The voice who tells Stanza Groups of lines that create a specific image Meter Rhythm of syllables that create a sound that compliments tone of poem. Rhyme scheme Patterns of similar sounding words (can create a sing-songy sound)

14 Diction of Poetry Term Definition Repetition
When words or phrases are repeated (very important for theme) Tone The speaker’s attitude about the topic Mood How the words and meter make the reader feel. Figurative Language Phrases that have a creative meaning (meant to help the reader visualize) Example: Her eyes sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight. Theme What the speaker is trying to teach you about a specific topic. Usually an ACTION STATEMENT Example: Appreciate the ones you love.

15 Tuesday 1.) Bell Ringer: What happened in Strand’s “Eating Poetry”? Draw a picture or list what you remember happening. 2.) Read “Eating Poetry” again. 3.) Create a t-chart to compare the Librarian with the speaker 4.) Reflection Learning goal: Students will analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme.

16 Wednesday 1.) Bell Ringer: What is a stanza? How is a stanza different from a paragraph? 2.) Read “Eating Poetry” again. 3.) Poetry interpretation chart 4.) Novel Ideas Discussion Learning goal: Students will analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme.

17 Thursday 1.) Bell Ringer: What does a peach symbolize? 2.) Review “How to Read a Poem” & poetry terminology 3.) Discussion of Important Words 4.) Just Like Me Activity Learning goal: Students will analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme.

18 Friday 1.) Bell Ringer: 2nd Reading of Peaches 2.) Poetry interpretation activity 3.) Creating “I Can” statements for the speaker Learning goal: Students will analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme.

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