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Force and angular speed profiles at a contact angle of 30° and initial speed 1.2 m/s for fixed and rotary configurations on rough and smooth surfaces.

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Presentation on theme: "Force and angular speed profiles at a contact angle of 30° and initial speed 1.2 m/s for fixed and rotary configurations on rough and smooth surfaces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Force and angular speed profiles at a contact angle of 30° and initial speed 1.2 m/s for fixed and rotary configurations on rough and smooth surfaces. Force and angular speed profiles at a contact angle of 30° and initial speed 1.2 m/s for fixed and rotary configurations on rough and smooth surfaces. The design configuration and collision conditions related to each impact scenario are illustrated by icons above each graph. The shaded areas represent the range of data (from five trials) corresponding to each collision. (A) Rough surface with naked protector. (B) Rough surface with origami protector. (C) Smooth surface with naked protector. (D) Smooth surface with origami protector. Pooya Sareh et al. Sci. Robotics 2018;3:eaah5228 Copyright © 2018 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works

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