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Presentation on theme: "NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION"— Presentation transcript:


CONGRATULATIONS! You have just joined the world’s largest service organization for women, who work to improve the lives of women and girls through programs leading to social and economic empowerment. Our Goals Today: Welcome you to our club Clarify and provide information on Soroptimist Answer any questions HAVE FUN!

3 You and the Club….. Most of all, we want you to have fun, feel welcome, and become engaged! Attend as many meetings as you are able, particularly our business meetings, as quorums are needed. Our business meetings are where you will learn the most about our club processes. Join and be active on at least one committee. Be involved in our fund-raising activities in some capacity: committee work, helping at the event (ticket purchase required), donations, financial support.

4 Your Sponsor… Will help you understand the club’s procedures, structure, and history. If she doesn’t know an answer, she’ll find out, or direct you to resources available. Will introduce you to other members. Will encourage your involvement: hands-on projects, committees, fundraising events. We want you to be well informed so that you can best enjoy our club!

5 Our Organization Soroptimist International (SI) is a worldwide organization for women who, working through service projects, improve the lives of women and girls, locally and throughout the world. Soroptimist has over 75,000 members in more than countries and territories throughout the world.

VISION – Women and girls have the resources and opportunities to reach their full potential and live their dreams. MISSION –Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.

Gender Equality: Women and girls live free from discrimination. Empowerment: Women and girls are free to act in their own best interest. Education: Women and girls deserve to lead full and productive lives through access to education. Diversity & Fellowship: Women from varied backgrounds and perspectives work together to improve the lives of women and girls.

8 Soroptimist History Soon celebrating our 100th Anniversary!
The name “Soroptimist” means “Best for Women.” We pride ourselves as being women at their best helping women to be their best. As a volunteer organization of women, we feel uniquely qualified to help women and girls realize their life dreams. Soroptimist International (SI), established in 1921 in Oakland, CA, is a world-wide organization of women, working through service projects to advance the status of women. Soroptimists contribute time and financial support to community-based and international projects which will benefit women and girls. Soon celebrating our 100th Anniversary!

9 Why Do Women and Girls Need Our Help?
* One in three women have been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in their lifetime. * Of the 600,000 to 800,000 people trafficked across international borders annually, over 80 percent are female. * Women work two-thirds of the world's working hours but earn only 10% of the world's income, and own less than 1% of the world's property. * Two-Thirds of the 880 million illiterate adults are women. Of those educated, by age 18, girls have received an average of 4.4 years less education than boys. * In some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent girls have HIV rates up to five times higher than boys. *Pregnancies and childbirth-related health problems take the lives of nearly 146,000 teenage girls each year.

10 Why Women and Girls, continued…
Gender discrimination often begins at a young age—in some cases even before birth—and girl children are devalued and discriminated against throughout the world. In many cultures, girls are considered to have little or no value, and therefore poor families often opt not to educate their female children. Without an education, women are less likely to find sustaining work at a living wage, and are more likely to remain poor throughout their lifetimes. Because of the prevalence of gender discrimination, harmful practices such as female genital mutilation, female infanticide and pre-natal sex selection are still widespread. Additionally, the devaluation of women leads to girls and women being sold into human bondage and sexual slavery. Women also experience discrimination in food allocation and lack of access to health care, which results in lower survival rates. And women around the world experience sexual abuse and domestic violence on a daily basis. By initiating club projects that benefit women and girls, and by honoring women who help women and girls, Soroptimist clubs and members improve the status of women and girls. Soroptimist projects and programs aid women economically, and empower them to make positive changes in their lives and their communities.

11 Soroptimist Clubs Worldwide
Soroptimist club members undertake project work at the Club, Region, Federation and International level. Each Soroptimist club determines the focus of volunteer work in its community to serve women and girls. Club projects range from renovating domestic violence shelters and providing mammograms to low income women, to sponsoring life skills workshops for teen-aged girls. Clubs also participate in the organization’s world-wide identifying programs. The Structure: Club: SI/ (your club name here) Region: Founder Region Federation: Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) International: Soroptimist International (SI) Let your new member(s) know that we work not only at the club level but also at Region, Federation and International levels.

12 Some Examples of How Our Club Supports Global Goals Locally
We participate in programs that change the lives of the world’s poorest women, such as the President’s Appeal each December 10th. The Appeal is “Women, Water and Leadership.” We provide grants and scholarships to women and girls: Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women; the Violet Richardson Award to honor young women who serve in their community; The Ruby Award for Women Helping Women; YOUR PROGRAM HERE

13 Other Examples… Partnering with the County Library Adult Literacy Program, we founded and continue to underwrite the “Women Helping Women” Literacy Program. Bearing the signature of each of our guest speakers, children’s books are provided to the “Reach Out and Read” pediatric literacy program. We promote awareness and support services pertaining to many women’s health issues. Add your club’s local projects to give examples of what you do to support not only Soroptimist programs but your community.

14 THE SOROPTIMIST BRAND We're stronger when we communicate with one brand and one voice. Having a consistent look and tone is important to increasing recognition of Soroptimist, both locally and globally. This “S” logo provides a consistent visual identity, essential to successful branding efforts, which increases our recognition, helps recruit members, and promotes our fundraising efforts.

15 The Soroptimist Pledge
I pledge allegiance to Soroptimist and to the ideals for which it stands: The sincerity of friendship The joy of achievement The dignity of service The integrity of profession The love of country I will put forth my greatest effort to promote, uphold and defend these ideals for a larger fellowship in home, in society, in business, for country and for God. * Written by Candis Nelson, 1927, charter member of the Seattle WA club

16 Soroptimist Structure: We are a world wide organization consisting of :

17 Soroptimist International (SI) Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President
Americas (SIA) Tina Wei-Kang Pan, Pres. Great Britain & Ireland (SIGBI) Europe (SIE) Southwest Pacific (SISWP) 4 Federations 28 Regions 15 US 5 Japan 2 Canada 2 South America Korea Taiwan The Philippines Mexico/Central America Founder Region (Includes Founder Region Fellowship) Sylvia Crafton, Governor 6 districts, 53 clubs Dist I Dist II Dist III Dist IV Dist V Dist VI FOUNDER REGION DISTRICTS WILL BE CHANGED July 1, 2020 due to redistricting- so change slide at that point BEGINNING ON JANUARY 1ST CHANGE PRESIDENT TO SHARON FISHER AND HER CAMPAIGN IS THE ROAD TO EQUALITY – OUR NEW SIA PRES. IS Tina Wei-Kang Pan, SI/Taipei, Taiwan SIA presidents serve 1 year terms. SI Presidents serve 2 years and Governor’s and Boards serve 2 years. American Canyon Benicia Calistoga Central Solano County Clear Lake Dixon Napa Rio Vista St. Helena St. Helena Sunrise Vacaville Vacaville Twilight Vallejo East Bay, The El Cerrito Fremont Oakland-The Founder Club Richmond San Ramon Tri-Valley, The 24/680 (Walnut Creek) Antioch Delta, The Diablo Vista Martinez Pittsburg Healdsburg Marin County Mendocino-Sonoma Coast Novato Santa Rosa Sonoma Valley Ukiah West Sonoma County Windsor Arcata Crescent City Eel River Valley Eureka Fort Bragg Humboldt Bay Noyo Sunrise Redwoods, The Willits Central Oahu Guam Honolulu Kona Marianas, The Maui Northern Mariana Islands Palau Waikiki Foundation

18 (Recap)….We belong to: Soroptimist International (SI) Headquartered in London Four Federations: Americas, Great Britain/Ireland, Europe, Southwest Pacific Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) – our Federation Headquartered in Philadelphia SIA spans from New York to Japan, from Canada to Chile 28 Regions in SIA Federation Our Region is Founder Region - Six Districts in Founder Region We are part of District ____ YOUR CLUB NAME AND WEBSITE HERE

19 Soroptimist International’s (SI) Identifying Projects:
“Educate to Lead” – Soroptimist International’s Flagship Program Soroptimists using advocacy, action, and awareness raising to increase access to education and leadership for women and girls. Focus objectives: Increase access to formal and non-formal learning opportunities Improve access to economic empowerment and sustainable opportunities for the employment of women Eliminate violence against women and girls and ensure women’s participation in conflict resolution Ensure women and girls have food security and access to the highest attainable standard of health care Address the specific needs of women and girls by improving environmental sustainability, and mitigating effects of climate change and disasters

20 This appeal was announced by President- elect Sharon Fisher
The Road to Equality is a two year road trip to find and empower women and girls who have been left behind. This appeal was announced by President- elect Sharon Fisher SI at the United Nations As the United Nations headquarters and home to the General Assembly, all areas of the UN’s work are discussed in New York. The Centre is also the headquarters of UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women created in The Soroptimist team of six UN Representatives in New York cover gender equality, sustainable development, financing for development, trafficking, migration, education, aging, and peace and security.

21 Soroptimist International of the Americas (SIA) Dream Programs and Projects
Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women Dream It, Be It: Career Support for Girls Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls (for sponsors)

22 Soroptimist Roadmap for Success
“Shaping the Future of Soroptimist” – the five strategies, or building blocks, – critical at every level of Soroptimist. Programs Membership Public Awareness Fundraising Future

23 FOUNDER REGION SI ADD YOUR NAME HERE is in District ___ and is part of Founder Region, which is made up of six districts and is governed by the Founder Region Board. The Districts consist of these counties in California: Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, Solano, and Sonoma; the state of Hawaii and the United States Territories of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Republic of Palau.

24 Founder Region “Fellowship”
Our Fellowship Program is our region’s identifying service project. We raise funds to provide grants-in-aid to women in their final phase of their Doctoral program from a recognized learning institution within the boundaries of Founder Region. The program began as a committee in the Pacific Region in 1948, with $1,500 given out that year. The program has grown to where $100,000 was given to ten outstanding women this year! After a club or individual donates $1,000, the name is added to the roster of Fellows and a pin is awarded to represent the donation. Fellows can be awarded in honor of service by a club, individual, or family, or can be awarded by participating in specified drawings or raffles. “Fellows” in our club- ADD YOUR FELLOWS HERE

25 Our Club: SI of ( YOUR NAME HERE)


27 SI of ( YOUR NAME HERE) Projects and Programs
Edit to add your club’s projects and programs

28 SI of (YOUR NAME HERE) Fundraising Events
Edit to add your fundraising events

29 SI/ (YOUR NAME HERE) Calendar of Events
Edit to include your calendar events

30 At our Meetings….. Business meetings are held on
Pins should be worn at all meetings and club functions. They are worn on your left side, over your heart, with nothing above it. Your name badge is worn on the right side, opposite your pin. ADD ANY CLUB SPECIFIC INFORMATION HERE

31 Our 2019-2020 Officers Theme: ADD CURRENT THEME HERE
President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Director:

32 SI of ( YOUR CLUB NAME HERE) Committees
Club Committees are: Which committees interest YOU?

33 Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards for Women
This program is designed to assist women in obtaining upward mobility and in their efforts toward education and training for re-entry into the job market. The program begins at club level. Our club awards are ( YOUR AMOUNTS HERE)

34 Violet Richardson Award
This award, named after founding President Violet Richardson Ward, honors a young woman between the ages of who has displayed exemplary community service. Our club award is YOUR AMOUNT HERE

35 Soroptimist Ruby Award: For Women Helping Women
EDIT WITH YOUR OWN CLUB INFORMATION IF YOU PARTICIPATE IN RUBY AWARD The Ruby Award recognizes and honors the first Federation President, Ruby Lee Minar. The Award honors women who have worked to improve the lives of women and girls through their professional and/or volunteer work. Our club award is $1,000 to the non-profit of the honoree’s choice. Nominees may not be Soroptimist club members.

36 Other Soroptimist Meetings & Conferences
From our weekly meetings to: District Meetings- usually held on a Saturday in October of each year Region Conference- held the first weekend in May each year Federation Convention- held every 2 years, usually in July in even-numbered years. International Convention- held every 4 years, alternating between Federations. Attending these special meetings and conferences gives additional insight into the mission of Soroptimist and provides the opportunity for you to become involved at a district or region level.

37 WEBSITES!! SI website:
SIA website: Has a wealth of information for members and interested potential members. Log in with your member #; password is: s followed by your member number. Example: s123456 Founder Region website: YOUR CLUB’S SOCIAL MEDIA AND WEBSITE HERE

38 Thank you for attending, and thank you for joining Soroptimist!
Questions? Please ask your sponsor or any member of our club –we’re happy to answer or find the answer for you! Thank you for attending, and thank you for joining Soroptimist!


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