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Hillside Elementary School

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1 Hillside Elementary School
Vocabulary Hillside Elementary School

2 Anticipate Definition: To expect something to happen Sentence:
Mrs. Staves anticipates that we will have a great school year at Hillside.

3 Persuade Definition: To try to convince someone to do what you want
Sentence: Kelly persuaded Sam to jump rope instead of playing dodge ball.

4 Humorous Definition: Very funny Sentence:
Everyone found the clown who performed at the party humorous.

5 Elated Definition: To be filled with joy and happiness Sentence:
Mrs. Baldizon was elated that all of her students passed the spelling test.

6 Ponder Definition: To think about carefully Sentence:
Mrs. Briggs-Blomer pondered what book to read to her class.

7 Skeptical Definition: To feel unsure about something Sentence:
Mrs. Baskin was skeptical about the reason the student gave for being absent.

8 Ambition Definition: Wanting to do great things Sentence:
Taylor’s ambition is to be a horse trainer.

9 Investigate Definition: To explore and search for an answer Sentence:
Mrs. Bruce wanted her students to investigate to find the answer to the science question.

10 Petrify Definition: To be scared so much you can’t move Sentence:
Shawn was petrified when he saw the haunted house.

11 Magnificent Definition: Very good, beautiful or special Sentence:
Mrs. Pechin loves the magnificent view of the city from the Empire State Building.

12 Collaborate Definition: To work with others to do or make something
Sentence: Sara and Michael collaborated on finishing their Social Studies project.

13 Appetizing Definition: Something that looks or smells good to eat
Sentence: While the turkey was cooking, it made our house smell appetizing.

14 Entertain Definition: To do something that is fun Sentence:
Danielle likes to build with Lego’s to entertain herself on the weekend.

15 Impatient Definition: Describes someone who has a hard time waiting for things to happen Sentence: Katie was impatient waiting for the movie to start.

16 Festive Definition: To be in a good mood for a holiday or party
Sentence: Hillside students were in a festive mood at the holiday party.

17 Amusing Definition: To think something is fun or funny Sentence:
Megan thinks that Dr. Seuss is an amusing author.

18 Treacherous Definition: Very dangerous Sentence:
The ice storm made the roads too treacherous to drive.

19 Comtemplate Definition: To think about carefully; ponder Sentence:
Mom and Dad contemplated their choices for vacation.

20 Furious Definition: Very angry Sentence:
Ryan was furious when his little sister broke his favorite toy.

21 Fortunate Definition: Lucky Sentence:
Mrs. Johnson feels fortunate that she has such great students.

22 Anxious Definition: Nervous Sentence:
Elizabeth felt anxious about having her cavities filled.

23 Precious Definition: Something that is worth a lot or means a lot to someone Sentence: The teddy bear from Grandma is very precious to me.

24 Patriotic Definition: To love one’s country Sentence:
George Washington showed he was patriotic by fighting for his country.

25 Isolated Definition: To be or feel alone Sentence:
Julie felt isolated in her new neighborhood because she didn’t have any friends yet.

26 Compromise Definition: Two people agree to do something or give up something to solve a problem together Sentence: Mr. Hauer said the students had to compromise about what game to play at recess.

27 Bewilder Definition: To confuse Sentence:
The brainteaser bewildered most of the students.

28 Exceptional Definition: Especially talented or smart Sentence:
A two-year old piano player would be exceptional.

29 Flustered Definition: To become suddenly upset because you can’t do something or don’t have time Sentence: Jimmy was flustered because he could not find his backpack before school.

30 Irritable Definition: Easily made angry Sentence:
Erin was irritable when things did not go her way.

31 Versatile Definition: Able to do many different things Sentence:
The athlete was versatile because he played football, soccer, and basketball.

32 Persnickety Definition: To be very picky about what you like Sentence:
Timmy would only eat pepperoni on his pizza because he is persnickety.

33 Brilliant Definition: Very bright Sentence:
Dr. Strohmetz had a brilliant idea!

34 Hectic Definition: Very busy with lots of people moving around in a hurry Sentence: Mackenzie and Ashley thought the mall was too hectic since so many people were shopping.

35 Perseverance Definition: To keep doing something even when it is hard
Sentence: It took a lot of perseverance but Jacob finally learned to play the violin.

36 Sweltering Definition: Very hot Sentence:
When the weather is sweltering, you should drink plenty of water.

37 Glisten Definition: To shine Sentence:
The bright lights made the diamond ring glisten.

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