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Enzymes! Make life possible.

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Presentation on theme: "Enzymes! Make life possible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enzymes! Make life possible

2 Background Chemical reaction
Reactants  Products Ingredients  Cake Example: Photosynthesis Sunlight + 6CO2 + 6H2O  6O2 + C6H12O6 Activation energy – energy needed to get reaction started

3 Enzymes All actions: eating, running, thinking… depend on enzymes
Control all biochemical reactions (chemical reactions of life) Protein that changes the rate of a chemical reaction

4 Enzymes Often speed up (increase) rate of a reaction  Catalyst
Lower the activation energy required to start the reaction Ex. Speed up rate of food digestion (metabolism) Cause molecules (substrates) to undergo a chemical change  form new substances - products

5 How they work Each enzyme only works on a specific substrate
Substrate-specific Ex. Sucrase (enzyme) only works on sucrose (substrate) Enzymes are named for the substrates they work on

6 Substrate-specific Enzyme Substrate Sucrase Sucrose Lactase Lactose
Amylase Starch Pepsin Proteins DNA polymerase Joins nucleotides Lipase Fats (lipids) In your book, turn to p. 918

7 Active site Active site – where substrate binds to enzyme

8 Enzyme Activity Depends on…
Temperature Human enzymes work best at 37 degrees C pH If temperature or pH are too high or too low, enzyme cannot work properly and may be permanently damaged (denatured)

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