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Hello! Today you need: Your green reading log.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello! Today you need: Your green reading log."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello! Today you need: Your green reading log.
Your READING comp. book. A book to read/annotate. Your binder ready to receive papers. Happy Pi Day!

2 Reading Reflection #17 Open your comp. book to the next available page. Write today’s date on the first line on the left hand side. Title the page: Reading Reflection #17. Add it to the Table of Contents.


4 Free Write Write 5+ sentences reflecting on the topic of reading.
When you are finished you may: Read/Annotate Complete a book write Shop for a new book. Work on your Mohenjo-daro paragraph. Reminder: Comp. books will be submitted for a grade at the end of the period.

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