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Business Architecture Framework overview
© Copyright note on Intellectual Capital: All rights reserved LEADing Practice ApS respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask others to do the same. All information and materials contained in the LEAD frameworks, methods and approaches with associated tools and templates, such as maps, matrices and models is Intellectual Capital (IC) and Intellectual Property (IP) of LEADing Practice ApS and limitations apply to the reuse of this IC/IP. The intellectual Property Rights (IPR) consists of information, knowledge, objects, artifacts, experience, insight and/or ideas, that are structured to enable reuse to deliver value creation and realization. The LEADing Practice ApS intellectual capital is protected by law, including, but not limited to, internationally recognized United States and European Union IPR copyright law. Except as specifically indicated otherwise in writing, LEADing Practice ApS is the owner of the copyright in the entire LEAD Frameworks content (including images, text and look and feel attributes) and LEADing Practice ApS reserves all rights in that regard. Use or misuse of the IPR, the trademarks, service mark or logos is expressly prohibited and may violate country, federal and state law. LEADing Practice ApS is an open architecture and open standard community and therefore provides open access to all deliverables for certified LEAD practitioners, thereby ensuring that modelling principles are applied correctly. A open architecture and open standard community has been set in place to encourage sharing, learning and reuse of information and thereby increase knowledge among LEAD community practitioners, and with this ultimately improvement of one’s project, engagement and the LEAD development. Use of the LEAD frameworks, methods and approaches is restricted to certified LEAD community members, in good practitioner standing, who are able to use these items solely for their non-commercial internal use. Legal access to the detail of LEAD will be provided to you with your membership. Members are prohibited from sharing the LEAD material in its entirety with other parties who are not members of LEAD community since the concepts and models are protected by intellectual property rights. Guidelines for LEAD community members using the IPR material As a LEAD member comes greater personal responsibility and the following intellectual property conditions apply: Can be used free of charge for LEAD certified practitioners. Cannot be share, copied or made available for non-community member, which are not LEAD certified practitioners. When using any materials, it must include a source notice – either in an adjacent area or as a footnote – to indicate the source. The source should be specified the following way : “Source: A part of the LEAD Frameworks” and possibly indicate the LEAD work product family, such as “Part of LEAD Process Framework”. Cannot be systematically “given away” – do not download all our content and simply hand it over to other colleagues or clients that are not trained and certified. To ensure correct usage, any company usage of the LEAD material e.g. templates and tools has to be tailored and agreed upon by LEADing Practice ApS . LEADing Practice ApS may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, terminate the access/accounts of users who infringe the intellectual property rights and pursue legal action. Guidelines for non-LEAD community members using the IPR material The following conditions apply to use of the LEAD Intellectual Property for non-community members: Can be used free of charge for lecturing and research at any University and Business School Material available at can be used in a non-commercial way for knowledge sharing . When using any materials, it must include a source should be specified the following way : “Source: A part of the LEAD Frameworks” and possibly indicate the LEAD work product family, such as “Part of LEAD Process Framework”. General guidelines that apply for all LEAD IPR material Any use of original texts, graphics, images, screen shots, and other materials from LEAD sources must be approved by LEADing Practice ApS . Any material cannot be generally distributed to colleagues, clients and or an undefined audience without written permission from LEADing Practice ApS . Cannot be altered or changed (the using company) in any way without explicit written permission from LEADing Practice ApS . In most cases, the LEADing Practice ApS acts as a distribution channel for the Publisher(s) and Authors) of the material provided. LEADing Practice ApS may, in appropriate circumstances of infringement of the intellectual property rights pursue legal action. For questions, please get in touch with us at Presenter: Fred Cummins, OMG BA SIG Co-Chairman Prof. Mark von Rosing, Global University Alliance Chairman
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO 42010 Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO 42010 Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
Business Architecture Research Focus
Information and research is sought on topics related to the understanding and comparison of Business Architecture Frameworks (BAFs), including, but not limited to: Semantic foundations of Business Architecture Frameworks What common Ontology aspects do the various Business Architecture concepts have? What common meta objects do they these Business Architecture concepts have? What common templates/models do the Business Architecture concepts have? Organization and modularization principles of their Business Architecture concepts Extension and customization mechanisms for Business Architecture Comparing Business Architecture method and approaches for comparison What Business Architecture roles exist
Business Architecture considerations
Business Architecture concern considerations: What are the most common business architecture customer concerns? What concerns are well-supported (typical concerns tackled by BA)? What concerns are not currently handled? Model and viewpoint considerations: Typical Business Architecture models the organizations work with? What challenges are being addressed by current BA models? What challenges are not being addressed by current BA models? What are the tasks for Business Architecture models used? Business Architecture LifeCycle considerations: Which concepts have Business Architecture LifeCycle aspects What are the Business Architecture LifeCycle phases What are the Business Architecture LifeCycle tasks What are the BA LifeCycle roles and which task do they do in the phases Business Architecture KPI considerations: Which Business Architecture measures (KPIs) exist Which framework, method or approach have BA measures What is the relationship between BA measures and lifecycle
Business Architecture research team
Examples of research findings can be found here: Buisness Architecture Analysis Business Architecture Taxonomy (most comon taxonomy used) The 25 most common Business Architecture Artifacts used
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO 42010 Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
TOGAF The Open Group Architecture Framework
The Open Group: Leading the development of open, vendor-neutral IT standards and certifications
The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through IT standards. With more than 500 member organizations, we have a diverse membership that spans all sectors of the IT community — customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tool vendors, integrators and consultants, as well as academics and researchers to: Capture, understand and address current and emerging requirements, and establish policies and share best practices Facilitate interoperability, develop consensus, and evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies Offer a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational efficiency of consortia Operate the industry’s premier certification service
TOGAF®, an Open Group standard
TOGAF® - the Enterprise Architecture standard used by the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency. TOGAF® is the de facto global standard for Enterprise Architecture. The Open Group Architecture Forum, comprised of more than 200 enterprises, develops and maintains the TOGAF standard and publishes successive versions at regular intervals. The TOGAF framework enables organizations to effectively address critical business needs by: Ensuring that everyone speaks the same language Avoiding lock-in to proprietary solutions by standardizing on open methods for Enterprise Architecture Saving time and money, and utilize resources more effectively Achieving demonstrable ROI
The TOGAF Lifecycle Model: Phase B: Business Architecture
TOGAF Metamodel entities
TOGAF Metamodel
TOGAF Business Architecture Metamodel- Motivation Extension
TOGAF Business Architecture Metamodel-Service Extension
TOGAF Business Architecture Metamodel- Process Extension
TOGAF Business Architecture Metamodel-Data Extension
TOGAF Business Architecture Metamodel- Infrastructure Extension
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO (comming and 42030) Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
ISO The International Organization for Standardization
ISO: International Organization for Standardization
ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 162 national standards bodies. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. International Standards make things work. They give world-class specifications for products, services and systems, to ensure quality, safety and efficiency. They are instrumental in facilitating international trade. ISO has published more than International Standards and related documents, covering almost every industry, from technology, to food safety, to agriculture and healthcare. ISO International Standards impact everyone, everywhere.
What is ISO 42010? ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 addresses the creation, analysis and sustainment of architectures of systems through the use of architecture descriptions. A conceptual model of architecture description is established. The required contents of an architecture description are specified. Architecture viewpoints, architecture frameworks and architecture description languages are introduced for codifying conventions and common practices of architecture description. The required content of architecture viewpoints, architecture frameworks and architecture description languages is specified. Annexes provide the motivation and background for key concepts and terminology and examples of applying ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011.
Conceptual Framework for ISO/IEC 42010
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: Model and Meta Model Matters
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO (comming and 42030) Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
Pragmatic EA Pragmatic EA launched the Pragmatic EA Framework (PEAF) in November 2008 after many years of development. From a sea of EA noise and hype, PEAF “Cuts EA to the Bone” and provides a quick start toolkit necessary to begin and sustain an Enterprise Architecture initiative. Pragmatic EA is committed to providing a no-nonsense EA framework which benefits Enterprises and government bodies on a global scale. The pragmatic ethos and culture, focuses on being pragmatic about everything we do. This ethos is evident and pervasive within the Pragmatic EA Framework (PEAF) which reduces and distills what is needed out of the general EA background noise and hype, and provide the results in an easy to understand and utilize form. Pragmatic EA is committed to ensuring that anyone attaining Certified status not only understands, but also can apply the Pragmatic Ethos as well as the Pragmatic EA Framework.
PEAFs Foundation Approach
PEAFs Meta Models Overview
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO (comming and 42030) Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
LEAD LEADing Practice
What is LEADing Practice?
LEADing Practice is an international standards development organization. Their focus is on Enterprise Standards through developing reference content and accelerators that create a structured way of thinking, working and modelling. The LEADing Practice Enterprise Standards are the result of years of international industry research and expert consensus on repeatable patterns that can be reused and replicated. The Enterprise Standards are packed as “reference content” products, and are both agnostic and vendor neutral. The Enterprise Standards have been designed to be tailored, fully customized, and implemented by any organization, both large and small, regardless of its various frameworks, methods, products, services or activities.
Who Applies the LEAD STANDARDS
Fortune 500 (38%)…… Governments © Copyright note on Intellectual Capital: All rights reserved LEADing Practice ApS respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask others to do the same. All information and materials contained in the LEAD frameworks, methods and approaches with associated tools and templates, such as maps, matrices and models is Intellectual Capital (IC) and Intellectual Property (IP) of LEADing Practice ApS and limitations apply to the reuse of this IC/IP. The intellectual Property Rights (IPR) consists of information, knowledge, objects, artifacts, experience, insight and/or ideas, that are structured to enable reuse to deliver value creation and realization. The LEADing Practice ApS intellectual capital is protected by law, including, but not limited to, internationally recognized United States and European Union IPR copyright law. Except as specifically indicated otherwise in writing, LEADing Practice ApS is the owner of the copyright in the entire LEAD Frameworks content (including images, text and look and feel attributes) and LEADing Practice ApS reserves all rights in that regard. Use or misuse of the IPR, the trademarks, service mark or logos is expressly prohibited and may violate country, federal and state law. LEADing Practice ApS is an open architecture and open standard community and therefore provides open access to all deliverables for certified LEAD practitioners, thereby ensuring that modelling principles are applied correctly. A open architecture and open standard community has been set in place to encourage sharing, learning and reuse of information and thereby increase knowledge among LEAD community practitioners, and with this ultimately improvement of one’s project, engagement and the LEAD development. Use of the LEAD frameworks, methods and approaches is restricted to certified LEAD community members, in good practitioner standing, who are able to use these items solely for their non-commercial internal use. Legal access to the detail of LEAD will be provided to you with your membership. Members are prohibited from sharing the LEAD material in its entirety with other parties who are not members of LEAD community since the concepts and models are protected by intellectual property rights. Guidelines for LEAD community members using the IPR material As a LEAD member comes greater personal responsibility and the following intellectual property conditions apply: Can be used free of charge for LEAD certified practitioners. Cannot be share, copied or made available for non-community member, which are not LEAD certified practitioners. When using any materials, it must include a source notice – either in an adjacent area or as a footnote – to indicate the source. The source should be specified the following way : “Source: A part of the LEAD Frameworks” and possibly indicate the LEAD work product family, such as “Part of LEAD Process Framework”. Cannot be systematically “given away” – do not download all our content and simply hand it over to other colleagues or clients that are not trained and certified. To ensure correct usage, any company usage of the LEAD material e.g. templates and tools has to be tailored and agreed upon by LEADing Practice ApS . LEADing Practice ApS may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, terminate the access/accounts of users who infringe the intellectual property rights and pursue legal action. Guidelines for non-LEAD community members using the IPR material The following conditions apply to use of the LEAD Intellectual Property for non-community members: Can be used free of charge for lecturing and research at any University and Business School Material available at can be used in a non-commercial way for knowledge sharing . When using any materials, it must include a source should be specified the following way : “Source: A part of the LEAD Frameworks” and possibly indicate the LEAD work product family, such as “Part of LEAD Process Framework”. General guidelines that apply for all LEAD IPR material Any use of original texts, graphics, images, screen shots, and other materials from LEAD sources must be approved by LEADing Practice ApS . Any material cannot be generally distributed to colleagues, clients and or an undefined audience without written permission from LEADing Practice ApS . Cannot be altered or changed (the using company) in any way without explicit written permission from LEADing Practice ApS . In most cases, the LEADing Practice ApS acts as a distribution channel for the Publisher(s) and Authors) of the material provided. LEADing Practice ApS may, in appropriate circumstances of infringement of the intellectual property rights pursue legal action. For questions, please get in touch with us at Collaboration: Other Standard Organizations Software Vendors applying our standards
Create alignment between Business & IT
Architecture relevant concepts IT Architecture relevant concepts
The Business Architecture Roadmap
Example Abstract of the LEAD meta model linked to artefacts Business Model and Service Model and Information Architecture in SAP
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO (comming and 42030) Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
Mega’s business architecture solution lets you describe, understand, and optimize your organizational structure, business processes, and assets, enabling you to: Align business operations with your corporate strategy Track strategy implementation through capabilities Effectively govern organizational transformation Business architects are responsible for making sure that all of a company’s stakeholders have a shared understanding of its strategy. In transformation programs, resource allocation and risk mitigation must be aligned with that strategy at the execution stage. Business agility and overall performance can be improved only with such a compass in hand. Business architecture gives managers a clear vision of their organization, their existing and future resources, and how those resources will be engaged in change programs to meet their company’s strategic vision.
Mega’s Business Architecture Blueprint
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO (comming and 42030) Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
STA Group
STA Group STA Group, LLC is an established, trusted name in business, technology and digital strategy consulting. We provide industry-leading results with particular expertise to leaders in the Insurance, Healthcare and Financial Services. Founded in 2002, we currently employ over 260 experienced consultants, which includes 100 Business Architects — the largest active number of professionals in the industry — who lead the way in successful business and technology transformations.
Why is Business Architecture valuable?
A common problem in today’s business: the upstream corporate vision fails to get successfully translated into actionable objectives. Downstream, critical coordination fails amongst business units, as well as between the business and IT.
Business Architecture aligns the organization
Business Architecture serves to properly align the organization. Business Architecture reveals how an organization is structured and can clearly demonstrate how elements such as capabilities, processes, organization and information fit together.
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO (comming and 42030) Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
November, 2011: Zachman 3.0 With more focus on the enterprise ontology, the 3.0 Zachman Framework was released. Some of the new features include: updated graphics, more precise words from the meta-model (specifically in columns 2, 3, 4 and 5), cell integration lines, cell transformation notation, model definition, perspective refinement and more. Reference: John Zachman, The Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture,
Zachman 3.0
Zachman & LEAD EA concepts combined
Developed by John A. Zachman Sr. & LEADing Practice
Developed by John A. Zachman Sr. & LEADing Practice
example applying the Zachman & LEAD EA concepts combined © Copyright note on Intellectual Capital: All rights reserved LEADing Practice ApS respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask others to do the same. All information and materials contained in the LEAD frameworks, methods and approaches with associated tools and templates, such as maps, matrices and models is Intellectual Capital (IC) and Intellectual Property (IP) of LEADing Practice ApS and limitations apply to the reuse of this IC/IP. The intellectual Property Rights (IPR) consists of information, knowledge, objects, artifacts, experience, insight and/or ideas, that are structured to enable reuse to deliver value creation and realization. The LEADing Practice ApS intellectual capital is protected by law, including, but not limited to, internationally recognized United States and European Union IPR copyright law. Except as specifically indicated otherwise in writing, LEADing Practice ApS is the owner of the copyright in the entire LEAD Frameworks content (including images, text and look and feel attributes) and LEADing Practice ApS reserves all rights in that regard. Use or misuse of the IPR, the trademarks, service mark or logos is expressly prohibited and may violate country, federal and state law. LEADing Practice ApS is an open architecture and open standard community and therefore provides open access to all deliverables for certified LEAD practitioners, thereby ensuring that modelling principles are applied correctly. A open architecture and open standard community has been set in place to encourage sharing, learning and reuse of information and thereby increase knowledge among LEAD community practitioners, and with this ultimately improvement of one’s project, engagement and the LEAD development. Use of the LEAD frameworks, methods and approaches is restricted to certified LEAD community members, in good practitioner standing, who are able to use these items solely for their non-commercial internal use. Legal access to the detail of LEAD will be provided to you with your membership. Members are prohibited from sharing the LEAD material in its entirety with other parties who are not members of LEAD community since the concepts and models are protected by intellectual property rights. Guidelines for LEAD community members using the IPR material As a LEAD member comes greater personal responsibility and the following intellectual property conditions apply: Can be used free of charge for LEAD certified practitioners. Cannot be share, copied or made available for non-community member, which are not LEAD certified practitioners. When using any materials, it must include a source notice – either in an adjacent area or as a footnote – to indicate the source. The source should be specified the following way : “Source: A part of the LEAD Frameworks” and possibly indicate the LEAD work product family, such as “Part of LEAD Process Framework”. Cannot be systematically “given away” – do not download all our content and simply hand it over to other colleagues or clients that are not trained and certified. To ensure correct usage, any company usage of the LEAD material e.g. templates and tools has to be tailored and agreed upon by LEADing Practice ApS . LEADing Practice ApS may, in appropriate circumstances and at its discretion, terminate the access/accounts of users who infringe the intellectual property rights and pursue legal action. Guidelines for non-LEAD community members using the IPR material The following conditions apply to use of the LEAD Intellectual Property for non-community members: Can be used free of charge for lecturing and research at any University and Business School Material available at can be used in a non-commercial way for knowledge sharing . When using any materials, it must include a source should be specified the following way : “Source: A part of the LEAD Frameworks” and possibly indicate the LEAD work product family, such as “Part of LEAD Process Framework”. General guidelines that apply for all LEAD IPR material Any use of original texts, graphics, images, screen shots, and other materials from LEAD sources must be approved by LEADing Practice ApS . Any material cannot be generally distributed to colleagues, clients and or an undefined audience without written permission from LEADing Practice ApS . Cannot be altered or changed (the using company) in any way without explicit written permission from LEADing Practice ApS . In most cases, the LEADing Practice ApS acts as a distribution channel for the Publisher(s) and Authors) of the material provided. LEADing Practice ApS may, in appropriate circumstances of infringement of the intellectual property rights pursue legal action. For questions, please get in touch with us at Developed by John A. Zachman Sr. & LEADing Practice
Business Architecture Agenda
Business Architecture research team An overview of the most commonly known organizations that provides integrated Business Architecture solutions: TOGAF ISO (comming and 42030) Pragmatic EA LEAD Mega STA Group Zachman BA Guild
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