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Small group discussion

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1 Small group discussion
A Wrinkle In Time Independent reading. Assessed through graded discussions. You will be given a work day for the FIRST discussion ONLY (Thursday, September 5th). The other’s should be done for homework. ALSO! There are MavBlocks offered for A Wrinkle In Time (AWIT). Be sure to check the schedule! Category Points Prep (in notebook) 50 Small group discussion 20 Notes 15 Big group discussion Reading Assignment Due Date Weight Chapters 1-3 Friday, September 6 ½ Major grade Chapters 4-6 Friday, September 13 Chapters 7-12 Friday, September 20 1 Major grade

2 Discussion Prep PREP is worth 50% of each discussion grade! Required Elements **You can just do this in your notebook! Label the top with “AWIT” and the chapters. **Or you can print/use the template on my blog! Summary for EACH chapter 5-8 bullets per chapter. Conflict types w/ evidence from the text Probably more than one. You should be able to defend this idea with EVIDENCE from the text. Most significant quote from these chapters with an explanation as to WHY. Elements of the hero’s journey This should only be a few at a time.  Main characters, a trait to describe that character, and evidence from the text to support that trait You do not need to do this for EVERY character in every chapter. However, as you “meet” important character or learn about established characters, you should add them. Probably 2-3 characters, maybe more at the beginning! Theme. What themes do you see being developed. Explain. With evidence. This may change throughout the book. But what are you thinking as you go? Evidence ALWAYS means a DIRECT QUOTE. And a page number.

3 What do you think? Words are ultimately inadequate as a means of communication.

4 What do you think? Our senses are the most reliable sources of discovering truth (i.e., touch, sight, smell, taste, hear).

5 What do you think? You don’t need to understand things for them to be.

6 What do you think? Ultimately, love can overcome/conquer all.

7 What do you think? It’s better to “fit in” than stand out, at least to avoid confrontation and/or embarrassment.

8 What do you think? We cannot be sure that things exist unless we see them, hear them, or feel them.

9 What do you think? The battle between good and evil is never- ending.

10 What do you think? It is better to understand something rationally rather than emotionally.

11 What do you think? It would be worth it to give up your life as you know it as a sacrifice for a higher ideal, or for a greater good.

12 What do you think? All conformity is evil.

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