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Life Orientation PRIORITIZING.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Orientation PRIORITIZING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Orientation PRIORITIZING

2 The art of prioritizing...
FIRST THINGS FIRST The art of prioritizing...

3 Identifying your “rocks”
Write a list of all the things you have to, want to, need to and would like to do this week...

4 PRIORITIZING - labelling your “rocks”
A: Absolutely essential, vital & urgent (Have to do) - BIG ROCKS B: Important but not urgent (Need to do) - MEDIUM SIZED ROCKS C: Not urgent or essential, optional (Nice to do) - SMALL PEBBLES

5 EXAMPLES - labelling your “rocks”
A: Sleeping, eating, commitments to sport/ cultural activities/ family, chores, duties, homework due etc. B: Projects or homework only due in a while, preparing for future events, social activities, hobbies etc. C: Hobbies, fun activities, holidays, social events etc.

6 Labelling your “rocks”
Prioritize the activities on your list by placing an ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’ next to each of the items...

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