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Annual Stewardship Report
Final St. Andrew the Apostle/ Good Shepherd Mission Annual Stewardship Report (July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019) Introduction by Fr. Greg PRESENTER 1 Good morning (afternoon, evening). In the fall of 2013 we started a parish tradition of presenting to you an annual report on the state of our parish. This year, as we celebrate our 61st year as a parish community, we are pleased to once again present our report to you. As members of the St. Andrew’s Parish and Finance Council, we represent you. We prayerfully and diligently try to be good stewards of the blessings God has given us. PRESENTER 2 On behalf of Fr. Greg, Fr. Rob, Fr. Jesus, our Deacons and our parish staff, we would like to thank all of you for everything you do to support our parish. This annual report is our opportunity to celebrate the numerous ways that God has blessed our community. We want to give you a short recap of our financial health, outline some of the amazing things that we have accomplished this year, and present some future goals for our parish. TURN SLIDE
PRESENTER 1 Today we would like to talk about stewardship in our parish by looking at four pillars – management of our financial and other resources, information on our parish ministries and our support to mission programs and projects. Finally we would like discuss our vision for the future of St. Andrew’s and Good Shepherd Mission. PRESENTER 2 Stewardship is not just about money. Stewardship is recognizing that everything we have is a gift from God and an awareness of how we use those gifts. The way our parish serves this pillar is through you; the body of Christ. We all have talents, time, and resources to share. As we are reminded in 1 Corinthians “Though there are many gifts, there is one Spirit.” TURN SLIDE MINISTRY MISSION VISION MANAGEMENT
2018 – 2019 Total Income and Expenses
PRESENTER 1 This chart gives you a broad view of our parish’s operating budget –the dollars that keep the parish running. We are blessed to have a very diverse parish, serving over 2,200 families. Over the last three years, our local area has suffered from a recession. This coupled with the fact that many of our older, generous parishioners are no longer with us, has meant that we’ve seen a steady reduction in our weekly offertory over the last few years. PRESENTER 2 As you can see from this chart, our projected income for last fiscal year was almost $30,000 short of our budgeted goal. Thru the diligent efforts of our staff and volunteers we were able to keep the expenses below budget. However there is good news. There are signs that the local economy is slowly recovering, population is growing and unemployment is lower. We hope this will mean that we will see an increase in the offertory this year, so that we can continue to support the ongoing mission of our parish. TURN SLIDE Budget Actual /- INCOME $1,212, $1,183, $29,567 EXPENSES $1,066, $1,027,051 - $39,360
2018-2019 - ALL PARISH EXPENSES ($1,027,051)
MISSION – 5% ($48,932) PRESENTER 1 The purpose of this chart is to give you an idea of where our parish dollars are spent. As with your personal income, a large percentage of our budget covers “fixed” expenses – such as building maintenance, utilities and staff salaries. (wait a few seconds then - TURN SLIDE
PARISH MANAGEMENT (Includes Building and Grounds Costs, Administrative Costs and Diocesan Support)
PRESENTER 2 While the amount on the previous chart for management support appears very large in relation to the other areas, the management lines support every area of our parish. This next chart gives you a little more information about the “management” part of our budget. TURN SLIDE MANAGEMENT MINISTRY MISSION VISION MANAGEMENT
DIOCESAN SUPPORT $126,817 (18%) PRESENTER 1 Our management expenses are broken into four areas – building and grounds, office and administrative, diocesan support and other expenses. The largest management expense is in the Building and Grounds area. We have several facilities here at St. Andrew’s and Good Shepherd Mission in Whetstone, that we need to maintain. In addition, as our buildings age, we have many requirements to upgrade or renovate our structures. Last year we completed the structural work on our convent, resurfaced all our parking areas, repaired the floors in the office areas, and carried out many other important infrastructure projects. PRESENTER 2 The Office and Administration piece of our budget covers costs associated with running a parish – things such as printing, mailing, financial operations, and other costs. As a parish, we rely on the Diocesan offices to provide support to us in many ways – administrative and liturgical. The amount we pay for Diocesan support covers our “share” of the costs for services that the diocese provides to all of our parishes. The “other’ line includes technical support, transportation, and other miscellaneous costs. TURN SLIDE OFFICE & ADMIN $190,458 (28%) $687,540
Continue to manage parish resources in a responsible manner Increase offertory by 5% to 10% Continue to address Building and Grounds requirements PRESENTER 1 As in prior years , our main Management goal for this fiscal year is to continue to manage parish resources in a responsible manner, assuring that all parish needs are met. To help us do this, we are requesting that you prayerfully consider a 5% to 10% increase in your weekly offering. The last time we came to you and requested an increase was six years ago in It is important to understand that we are not saying that we as a parish are not doing enough; quite the opposite! However, as we mentioned earlier, our weekly offertory has decreased over the last few years, while ministry demands continue to increase. We would like to see this trend reversed this year. One easy way to make your contributions is by using the on-line giving option. For more information about on-line giving, go to the parish website or contact the parish office. PRESENTER 2 Our final Management goal is to continue to address ongoing Building and Grounds requirements such as updating our aging phone system, replacing other obsolete equipment including our HVAC systems, and making sure our all our facilities are in good repair. We have two campuses, with a lot of maintenance and repair requirements. We would ask you to let us know when you see something that needs to be done. We might not get to it immediately, but our staff maintains an on-going maintenance and repair list that they address as time permits. TURN SLIDE
PARISH MINISTRY (Liturgy, Hospitality, Spirituality, Formation and Service)
PRESENTER 1 Perhaps a good description of “ministry” is the joining together of our parishioners, as a congregation, to do the work that Jesus commissions us to do. Our parish is enriched by the many ministries and organizations that provide liturgy, hospitality, spirituality, faith formation and service to others. Rather than try to tell you about each of these ministries, we invite you to join us at our annual Ministry Fair or consult the bulletin. TURN SLIDE MINISTRY MISSION VISION MANAGEMENT
2018-2019 MINISTRY EXPENSES ($290,579)
PARISH ACTIVITIES $16,109 (6%) FAITH FORMATION $73,810 (25%) PRESENTER 2 “Faith Formation” includes those costs associated with providing a strong religious education program to parishioners of all ages – younger children, middle schoolers, teens and adults. It is through liturgy that people engage with their faith and deepen their relationship with God. For our budget purposes “liturgy” includes all costs associated with celebration of Mass and other liturgical services. This includes priests’ salaries, music, worship aids, sacramental wine and hosts and related expenses. “Parish activities” include things such as today’s parish picnic and volunteer support. TURN SLIDE
Expand participation in Parish ministries Increase our welcoming efforts to Catholics and Non-Catholics PRESENTER 1 Our main ministry goal this year is to expand participation in all parish ministries. We are all disciples of Christ and we are called to serve him. We know that each of us has different talents, time and resources to give to the parish. We invite you to visit the Ministry Fair, and talk to your fellow parishioners about how you can share your gifts. The opportunities abound – hospitality ministry, lector, Knights of Columbus, Ladies of St. Andrews just to name few. Or perhaps you would like to start a new ministry! PRESENTER 2 We also want to encourage fellowship among our own parish family and those who join us from the community. Remember that one person may be waiting for your invitation to join a ministry or come to our Church. TURN SLIDE
PARISH MISSION (Evangelization)
PRESENTER 1 As Pope Benedict reminded us “The Church does not have a mission. The Church is mission.” Mission comes in many forms, such as financial support for our global and home mission partners, feeding the hungry, support to our Catholic schools, as well as personal and community outreach. Each of these, in its own way, is evangelization. In today’s world,, evangelization is an essential mission of the church and every parishioner plays a role. TURN SLIDE MINISTRY MISSION VISION MANAGEMENT
2018-2019 MISSION SUPPORT TOTAL: $563,038
St. Andrew’s Social Concerns - $48,932 St. Vincent de Paul $95,087 Second Collections $125,168 Diocesan ($ 63,539) Local Community ($ 44,143) St. Andrew’s Missions ($ 17,486) (Haiti and Nepal) Annual Catholic Appeal $157,525 Catholic Tuition Support Org $136,326 PRESENTER 2 St. Andrew’s is a very generous parish, as you can see on this chart . Through our regular collections, St. Andrew’s parishioners provided over $44,000 in support to local mission programs, including food and assistance, and donations to Wings of Angel in Sonora, Mexico. Those donations are up this year. PRESENTER 1 In addition, last year you donated over $500,000 to the special projects and programs listed here. Those donations are slightly lower than previous years. You fed the hungry, clothed the poor, provided shelter in our local community, helped the Diocese and Catholic agencies in the United States and around the world. You supported special needs of our fellow Catholics in Nepal, Equador and Haiti. In addition, your generous support to the Catholic Tuition Support Organization enabled many families to provide their children with a quality Catholic education. Perhaps the most exciting mission moment that we experienced last year was when Fr. Silas Bogati sent us pictures of our St. Andrew’s Chapel and other projects we helped to fund in Nepal. TURN SLIDE
Worldwide Missions States United Missions Diocese Sierra Vista WestEnd
St. Andrew’s/ Good Shepherd WestEnd Sierra Vista Cochise County Diocese United States Missions Worldwide Missions PRESENTER 2 From our small corner of southeastern Arizona, we can be proud of how our outreach goes from the West End of Sierra Vista to the far reaches of the globe. PAUSE, THEN TURN SLIDE
PARISH MISSION GOALS Expand support to mission programs at home and worldwide Assist our sister parish – Sacred Heart -Tombstone PRESENTER 1 As with Management and Ministry, we have some mission goals we would like to share. We want to expand our support to mission programs. This will include networking and partnering with ongoing mission programs, and possible travel by parish groups to mission areas such as United States missions, Bethlehem, Haiti , South America, Nepal…. We also want to work with parishioners at our sister parish, Sacred Heart in Tombstone. TURN SLIDE
PRESENTER 2 Our faith asks us to have a vision for the future. Our children and grandchildren, and those who will move to Sierra Vista to work and perhaps retire, demand it. It isn’t enough to simply maintain the status quo. Our work is both now and the future. We know that to be a truly thriving parish, we need to have a vision, we need to look farther ahead than just to the next year or two. We have some suggestions that we would like to share, however more importantly we would like to hear your thoughts and ideas on your vision for our parish. TURN SLIDE VISION MINISTRY MISSION MANAGEMENT
2019-2020 PARISH VISION GOALS Increase offertory through tithing
PRESENTER 1 Our first vision goal is to ask you to prayerfully consider making a firm commitment to support the needs of the parish, if you have not already done so. We are called to love our neighbors, and we can do more to assist those who need our help by making a firm commitment to give. PRESENTER 2 In addition to supporting our parish today, there are other ways that you can support our parish. You can designate a portion of your estate, perhaps 1% to 10%, to come to the parish or the parish endowment after your death. Watch for parish workshops on this topic. PRESENTER 1. Our final vision is one we really need your help with. Perhaps we can adopt another mission area, as we have Haiti and Nepal. Perhaps various parish groups can support one aspect of the mission area need. Perhaps parishioners could actually visit and assist a mission church, much as we did in aftermath of Hurricane Katrina many years ago. The needs are many – and we would like your input. TURN SLIDE Increase offertory through tithing Provide more information to parishioners on Legacy giving Create a special parish mission project
Celebrating 61 years of Parish Life!
St. Andrew the Apostle Celebrating 61 years of Parish Life! Thankful for the past Celebrating the Present Preparing for the Future PRESENTER 2 Again, we hope you will visit the ministry tables, and learn about all the ways you can serve our parish and the community. Finally, St. John Paul reminds us to “Remember the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and look forward to the future with confidence.” And thank you for all you do for our parish!
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