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B3 – Infection and Response– Communicable Diseases- Viral Diseases

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1 B3 – Infection and Response– Communicable Diseases- Viral Diseases
What is a pathogen? What is a virus? How do they reproduce inside the body? Why do they make us feel ill? HIV Caused by: Symptoms: How it’s spread: Control measures Give 3 ways in which microorganisms spread: 1) 2) 3) Measles Caused by: Symptoms: How it’s spread: Control measures Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) Caused by: Symptoms: How it’s spread: Control measures Explain why viral diseases are harder to treat than bacterial diseases:

2 B3 – Infection and Response– Communicable Diseases- Bacterial, Fungal and Protist Diseases
What is a bacteria? How do they reproduce inside the body? Why do they make us feel ill? Salmonella Caused by: Symptoms: How it’s spread: Control measures Gonorrhoea Caused by: Symptoms: How it’s spread: Control measures Give 4 ways in which we can reduce the spread of disease: 1) 2) 3) 4) Malaria Caused by: Symptoms: How it’s spread: Control measures Rose Black Spot Caused by: Symptoms: How it’s spread: Control measures What are protists? Which microorganism has hyphae and how do they cause disease?

3 B3 – Infection and Response – Fighting Disease
Explain how the following prevent microbes from entering the body: Skin Hairs and mucus Cilia Hydrochloric acid Describe how white blood cells use antibodies to destroy pathogens. Use the keyword antigens: What is contained in a vaccination? Use the graph to explain how a vaccination works Describe how phagocytosis destroys pathogens. Use the keyword engulf: What is the difference between antibiotics and painkillers. Give 3 ways in which white blood cells defend against pathogens 1) 2) 3) Advantages of vaccination: Disadvantages of vaccination: Explain how antibiotic resistance occurs.

4 B3 – Infection and response – Developing Drugs
Explain why new drugs needs to be tested and trailed before they are prescribed? Describe what is involved in clinical drug trails. Describe the sampling techniques we should use when looking to run a clinical trail. Describe what a placebo is. Describe how many stages of drug tests there are and what is roughly involved at each stage. Explain why sampling size is important and describe how many people you should sample for drug trails. Explain the placebo effect. Define the terms: Blind trail – Double-blind trail - Describe what bias refers to . Describe what is involved in pre-clinical drug trails.

5 B3 – Plant Diseases and Defences (Biology Only)
Mineral ions If a plant suffers a deficiency, what does this mean? Nitrates: Needed for- Deficiency symptoms- Magnesium: Give 3 ways in which we can identify a plant disease: 1) 2) 3) Chemical defences Describe 2 chemical defences that plants have and explain how they help protect the plant: 1) 2) Physical defences Describe 3 physical defences that plants have and explain how they help protect the plant: 1) 2) 3) Mechanical defences Describe 3 mechanical defences that plants have and explain how they help protect the plant: . 1) 2) 3) Give 6 signs that a plant has a disease: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

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