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Housing Affordability: A World Challenge

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Affordability: A World Challenge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Affordability: A World Challenge
Results of the IHA Discussion: Aug 2019

2 Housing: A Complex Subject
Housing is a subject that cannot be treated independently. Housing is no longer just a material good; it has become a deliverer of social cohesion. Housing: A Complex Subject

3 Define Housing Affordability
Housing affordability: the availability of housing which is reasonably adequate in standard and location for lower or middle income households and does not cost so much that a household is unlikely to be able to meet other basic needs. Define Housing Affordability As documented in approved IHA “Statement of Intent on Housing Affordability”.

4 Commit to Housing Continuum
As documented in approved IHA “Statement of Intent on Housing Affordability”.

5 Why Home Ownership: Financial Benefits
Long-term Financial Obligation Validates Credit-Worthiness Increased Personal Wealth Investment Opportunity Promotes Savings Potential Tax Benefits Promotes Budget Planning Eliminates Risk from Rent Increases Why Home Ownership: Financial Benefits As documented in approved IHA “Benefits of Home Ownership” Presentation.

6 Why Home Ownership: Labor Benefits
Increased Labor Participation Advanced Career Levels Higher Level Participation by Women Reduces Duration of Unemployment Why Home Ownership: Labor Benefits As documented in approved IHA “Benefits of Home Ownership” Presentation.

7 Why Home Ownership: Health & Safety Benefits
Generally Better Health Greater Life Expectancy Stable Access to Health Services Access to Higher Quality Services Access to Resources to Address Illness Better Maintenance=Less Injury Why Home Ownership: Health & Safety Benefits As documented in approved IHA “Benefits of Home Ownership” Presentation.

8 Why Home Ownership: Mental Health Benefits
Positive Impact on Personal Perceptions Greater Self Confidence Higher Self-Esteem Higher Levels of Life-Satisfaction Why Home Ownership: Mental Health Benefits As documented in approved IHA “Benefits of Home Ownership” Presentation.

9 Why Home Ownership: Benefits at all Life Stages
Senior Benefits: Retirement Income Advantages Reduced Accident Risk Youth Benefits Stable Living Environment Reduced Illness Better School Performance Higher Graduation Rates Higher Rates of Advanced Education Reduced Teen Pregnancy Rates As documented in approved IHA “Benefits of Home Ownership” Presentation.

10 Why Home Ownership: Social & Community Benefits
Reduced Probability of Divorce Increased Support of Community Focus on Environment Quality Enhanced Public Amenities Reduced Crime Rates Increased Political Activism Community Resiliency/Recovery Enhanced Social Capital (Volunteerism/Donations) As documented in approved IHA “Benefits of Home Ownership” Presentation.

11 Need for Housing to Address Changing:
Income Career Status Family Situation Consumer Desires Accessibility Needs Support Housing Continuum Key Consideration

12 Increased Cost of Housing Production (Land, Materials)
Planning Requirements/Red Tape Taxes & Impact Fees Housing Finance Decreased Public Funds for Housing Sustainability/Resiliency Continuing Urbanization Supply Challenges: Shortages, Mismatched Supply Increased Life Expectancy & Changing Needs Eldest Elder Requirements and Preferences Shared Challenges

13 Question Before Us How can we build sufficient housing that both meets the aspirations of our citizens and is compatible with their income?

14 Potential Solutions: Urbanization
Make Smart Densification Easier Recycle Government, Commercial & Industrial Properties Support Transit Support Mid-sized Cities – Move Demand Implement Multi-dimensional City Plans Limit Regulatory Hurdles Potential Solutions: Urbanization

15 Potential Solutions: Land Availability
Change Social Attitudes of NIMBYism Encourage Smart Reconstruction and Densification Support Objective Planning Practices Expand Access to Land for Development Seek Balanced Environmental Protection Repurposing Properties Encourage a long term population assessment and land strategy supporting residential needs

16 Potential Solutions: Contain Costs
Industry Support of Enhanced Productivity Implement Technology Solutions Limit Taxes and Fees Pursue Sensible Regulation Sunset Outdated, Onerous Rules Implement Thoughtful, Cost-effective Rules Cost-effective Energy Efficiency Standards Increase the Supply of Trained Laborers Potential Solutions: Contain Costs

17 Potential Solutions: Support Financing
Address Onerous Capital Requirements Support Housing Development & Construction Support Buyer Financing Seek Local Funding for Development Engage Private Sector in Social Housing Identify New Funding Alternatives Balance Financial System Risk with Ownership Potential Solutions: Support Financing

18 Potential Solutions: Address Consumer Preference
Build WHERE Consumers Want to Live Build WHAT Consumers Want/Need Build Housing Supporting a Digital Life Style Reasonable Aspirations and Expectations Support Transportation Needs Support Reduced Travel Requirements To Work To School To Services To Entertainment Potential Solutions: Address Consumer Preference

19 Potential Solutions: Support Builders & Buyers
Accelerate the Planning Process Limit the Legal Exposure of Housing Producers Increase Access to Financing (Builder/Buyer) Limit Taxation Production (planning taxes, VAT) Sales Tax, Transfer Tax, Rental Tax Owners (real estate, estate, property taxes) Potential Solutions: Support Builders & Buyers

20 IHA Actions & Next Steps:
Reviewed Build Europe Documentation Validated Common Themes Assigned to Affordability Working Group Next Steps: Develop a Draft Document Document Should be Summary in Nature Draft to be Considered at Annual Meeting IHA Actions & Next Steps:

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