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1 NAME: ERNEST MAKINA SIN : 1612303073 email ernestmakina@gmail


3 INTRODUCTION Curriculum- all the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school. (Kelly 1983:10) frame work for guiding teaching and learning. Curriculum change/ revision is making the curriculum different in some way in giving it a new position or direction. This Means alteration in its philosophy by way of its aims and objectives, reviewing content included revising its methods an re-thinking its evaluator procedures.  Innovation is the process of implementing new ideas to create value for an organisation.

4 Dynamics of curriculum change
Curriculum change reflects society and education in general In specific curriculum change may lead society in changing in a particular direction but usually reflect societal change. E.g. under PF we are at the level of public administration so we are the implementers and as such we need to change our attitudes and work hard. When we consider curriculum change, we need to include content and process. By content we mean the knowledge , skills, concepts, understanding, values and so forth associated materials. Change process refers to means by which teachers will be introduced to that content and how they will be convinced to adopt and implement.

5 Change concepts After seeking information about the problem alternatives may be examined and this process serves as a step toward consolidation of change. Among the important factors on accounting for successful adoption of the changes access to information of decision. innovation means an object , idea, practice which is perceived to be new and also the process by which that new object idea or practice becomes adopted. Diffusion is the process concerned with the spread of new ideas/objects/practices from its point of origin to its adopters. Dissemination means a deliberate process to spread a new idea/object/practice from its origin to adopters. It is more specific than diffusion with an emphasis upon deliberate , goal directed activities carried out by change agents to facilitate the adoption of an innovation.

6 Cont…… Adoption means the deliberate acceptance of an innovation to resolve an expressed need. Adoption of an innovation is the second stage in the change process involving the sequence need, adoption, implementation and institutionalization.

To restructure the curriculum according to the needs, interest, or abilities of the learners, e.g. the PF government is promoting oneness through embracing the teaching of various types of religions in schools that is a curriculum which is tailored towards promoting cultural and religious diversity. To eliminate unnecessary units, teaching methods and the content. To introduce latest and updated methods of teaching and content, new knowledge and practices.

Curriculum is centralized and so the need of change happens at national level and then move on to the different levels of the education system up to the schools. In countries were curriculum development is decentralized each state, province or region has a curriculum and assessment agency which is responsible for devising, implementing and assessing certain system level curricular.

9 Cont….. In change process there are four basic phases namely;
Third level of curriculum change results from initiatives at school usually resulting from attempts to address the needs of diverse learners. In change process there are four basic phases namely; Need- The need vary from variety of sources such as teachers, learners, parents, administrators, governments or some combination of these sources. For the change to be successful those that are associated with the change process should give a recognition and acceptance of the need for curriculum change by a substantial majority of those involved.

10 CONT Adoption means the deliberate acceptance of an innovation to resolve an expressed need. After seeking information about the problem alternatives may be examined and this process serves as a step toward consolidation of change. Among the important factors on accounting for successful adoption of the changes access to information of decision makers, alternatives innovations in competition, central administrative support for a particular change etc..

11 Cont…. 3. Implementation- this may be considered as a continuum stretching from adoption of an innovation until its complete acceptance or institutionalization. In education/ curriculum, implementation begins with the initial attempts by educators to effect the innovations into various schools or institutions. The innovations will succeed or fail in large measure by how effectively it is implemented. 4. Institutionalization- this is when innovation has been used continually over time and in the process become interwoven into an organizational structure, then it may be said that institutionalization has occurred.

12 Change strategies 1 Rationale – Empirical strategy
Rationale – reasoning Empirical – relying on observation or experiment not on theory. The basic premise of these strategies is that people are reasonable and will therefore act in a rational manner. Supporters of these strategies agues that when exposed to an innovation, people will react according to their best interest, that is, when aware of an innovation, seeing its inherent value to themselves, people will adopt it.

13 Cont……. 3. power-coercive strategy
Sometimes referred to as political administrative strategy The change procedure is based upon the control of rewards and punishments as a means of regulating the behavior of participants. Power is used as the ultimate sanction by someone in authority. The sanction may be applied in order to ensure compliance. This situation invariably requires significant influence over subordinates by superordinate as well as the perception of the sanction threat held by the subordinates.

14 Cont…… 2. Normative –re-educative strategy
Perhaps a rational, logical strategy has been ineffective in achieving planned change among stakeholders. To overcome this problem you will require a strategy that can convince stake holders especially teachers that the planned change should be adopted. The underlying premise for normative-re-educative strategies is concerned with changing people, particularly their perceptions and attitudes and hence their subsequent Behaviour.

1. Relative Advantage- Relative advantage measures how improved an innovation is over a competing option or the previous generation of a product. Potential users need to see how an innovation improves their current situation. 2. Compatibility- refers to the level of compatibility that an innovation has with individuals as they assimilate it into their lives. Potential adopters need to know that your innovation will be compatible with their life and lifestyle. If an innovation requires a huge lifestyle change or if the user must acquire additional products to make your innovation work, then it is more likely to fail.

16 Cont…. 3. Complexity- means the degree at which the innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and use. The emphasis again is on the perception held by participants, rather than the actual level of difficulty. Those involved in the change process and particularly change agents should endeavor to present the innovation as a straight forward, uncomplicated change.

17 Cont…… 4. Trialability- means the extent to which an innovation can be tried on a limited basis. (Nicholls, 1983: 25) Its logical to trial an innovation first, receive feedback from participants and make appropriate revisions before one attempts to implement the innovation generally. 5. communication- when the features and benefits of an innovation are communicated if effectively to others it is more likely that it will be adopted successfully. 6. Status- this may have a bearing on the rate of adoption of innovations. (Marsh, 1986: 106) - Individuals such as classroom teachers ascribe high status to an innovation and its chances of successful implementation are significantly increased.

18 CONCLUSION In conclusion, we would say that the old curriculum was white collar job oriented and was theory based, while the revised curriculum is skill based e.g. agriculture science, ICT, entrepreneurship and Home economics. These are some the subjects and courses that are being encouraged in schools to enhance self employment than depending on the government for employment.

19 REFERENCE Urebvu. A (1985).Curriculum Studies, Singapore: Longman Publishers Ltd. Kelly M .J (1983)

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