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Introduction to Numerology Visions  Concepts

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1 Introduction to Numerology Visions  Concepts
Unlocking Revelation Introduction to Numerology Visions  Concepts

2 Numbers 1 = unity 2 = strength 3 = divine 4 = earth where men live
5 = 5+5=10 completeness 7 = completeness (7 x 10 or 10 x 10) 12 = 3 x 4 organized religion 31/2 7 divides by 2 = despair, confusion

3 Four Views of Revelation
Unlocking Revelation Four Views of Revelation

4 Why? Futurist Preterist Historicist Idealist Unlocking Revelation

5 ?

6 Idealist Looks at the book sort of like an allegory: good versus evil, right V wrong – God v Satan. Nothing in the book is specific Strengths: well, it doesn’t lead to a lot of false teaching Weaknesses: well, it doesn’t lead to a lot of right teaching, either! The book refers to the things which will shortly come to pass, and it destroys meaning. Whenever you write something off as completely allegorical – you better be sure you’re not throwing out the baby and the bath water. Good vs. Evil

7 Futurist From our standpoint, essentially the entire book is in the future. Proponents of this view would say that we are probably on the CUSP of the rapture and these seals, trumpets, witnesses, etc… Some folks even go so far as to say that the letters to the seven churches are in the future, as well.. This view tends to turn the book into a crystal ball, assuming that everything is about to happen to us—it almost BREEDS poor interpretations, in my opinion…and it becomes so focused on the details of what might happen next that we forget what WE are supposed to be doing.

8 Historicist The historicist view says everything (or virtually everything) is in the past when you read this book today. The signs, trumpets, seals, millenium…everything….and this book is completely closed.

9 Preterist Preterist is the view of “things that have passed” – but not everything has passed. This is the system of thought that I subscribe to, albiet in a modified form, not exactly like you see on this chart. I believe that the letters to the churches were…well, yes, letters to seven actual churches. I think that the seals, trumpets, and witnesses likely described events that were SOON TO COME TO PASS for the first century readers—describing perhaps Rome’s fall, Jerusalem’s fall, or the reigns of Emperor Nero or Domitian…but there are a few promises that are yet to come true – the promise of the new jerusalem, the new heavens and the new earth.

10 Why? Unlocking Revelation Futurist Preterist Historicist Idealist
Why these 4? None of them are in the Bible—but they are on every TV documentary, every commentary, and even every study Bible. James and I just want you to be aware of this information—so you can better study this material. Historicist Idealist Unlocking Revelation

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